Sorry Gyula,  let me explain more about the point of 2, if I avoid the 
override, I will got a jobmanager pod still with resources consist with 
“jobmanager.memory.process.size”, but a flinkdeployment with a resource larger 
than that.

Thanks for your time.
Richard Su

> 2023年12月5日 17:13, <> 写道:
> Thank you for your time, Gyula, I have more question about Flink-33548, we 
> can have more discussion about this and make progress:
> 1. I agree with you about declaring resources in FlinkDeployment resource 
> sections. But Flink Operator will override the 
> “jobmanager.memory.process.size”  and "taskmanager.memory.process.size", 
> despite I have set these configuration or not in flink configuration. If user 
> had configured all memory attributes, the override will leads to error as the 
> overall computation is error.
> the code of override is in FlinkConfigManager.class in buildFrom method, 
> which apply to JobmanagerSpec and TaskManagerSpec.
> 2. If I modified the code of override, I will still encounter this issue of 
> FLINK-24150, because I only modified the code of flink operator but not 
> flink-kubernetes package, so I will make a pod resources like (cpu:1c 
> memory:1g) and container resource to be (cpu:1c, memory 850m), because I 
> already set jobmanager.memory.process.size to 850m.
> 3. because of there two point, we need to make the podTemplate have higher 
> priority. Otherwise we can refactor the code of flink operator, which should 
> import something new configuration to support the native mode.
> I think it will be better to import some configuration, which 
> FlinkConfigManager.class can override it using the resource of JobmanagerSpec 
> and TaskManagerSpec.
> When it deep into the code flink-kubernetes package, we using these new 
> configuration as the final result of containers resources.
> Thanks for your time.
> Richard Su
>> 2023年12月5日 16:45,Gyula Fóra <> 写道:
>> As you can see in the jira ticket there hasn't been any progress, nobody
>> started to work on this yet.
>> I personally don't think it's confusing to declare resources in the
>> FlinkDeployment resource sections. It's well documented and worked very
>> well so far for most users.
>> This is pretty common practice for kubernetes.
>> Cheers,
>> Gyula
>> On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 9:35 AM <> wrote:
>>> Hi, Gyula, is there had any progress in FLINK-33548? I would like to join
>>> the discussion but I haven't seen any discussion in the url.
>>> I also make flinkdeployment by flink operator, which indeed will override
>>> the process size by TaskmanagerSpec.resources or JobmanagerSpec.resources,
>>> which really confused, I had modified the code of flink operator to avoid
>>> the override.
>>> Looking for your response.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Richard Su
>>>> 2023年12月5日 16:22,Gyula Fóra <> 写道:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Please see the discussion in
>>>> and the ticket:
>>>> We should follow the approach outlined there. If you are interested you
>>> are
>>>> welcome to pick up the operator ticket.
>>>> Unfortunately your PR can be a large unexpected change to existing users
>>> so
>>>> we should not add it.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Gyula
>>>> On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 9:05 AM 苏超腾 <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> I've encountered an issue while using flink kubernetes native, Despite
>>>>> setting resource limits in the pod template, it appears that these
>>> limits
>>>>> and requests are not considered during JobManager(JM) and TaskManager
>>> (TM)
>>>>> pod deployment.
>>>>> I find the a issue had opened in jira  FLINK-24150, which introduced
>>>>> almost the same questions that I encountered.
>>>>> I agrees that if user had provided pod templates, we should put priority
>>>>> on it higher than flink calculated from configuration.
>>>>> But this need some discussion in our community, because it related some
>>>>> scenarios:
>>>>> If I want to create a pod with Graranted QoS and want the memory of the
>>>>> Flink main container to be larger than the process size of Flink, I
>>> cannot
>>>>> directly modify podTemplate (although we can use limit factor, this will
>>>>> cause the QoS to change from Graranted to Burstable)
>>>>> If I want to create a pod with Burstable QoS, I don't want to use limit
>>>>> actor and want to directly configure the request to be 50% of the limit,
>>>>> which cannot be modified.
>>>>> In order to meet these scenarios, I had committed a pull request
>>>>> This code is very simple and just need someone to review, this pr can be
>>>>> cherry pick to other old version, which will be helpful.
>>>>> I would appreciate any feedback on this.
>>>>> Thank you for your time and contributions to the Flink project.
>>>>> Thank you,

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