Hi Matt, 1. I tried to add back the tag serialization process back to my POC code and run the benchmark again, this time the performance improvement is roughly reduced by half. It seems that both the serialization and the judgement process have a major contribution to the overhead reduction in the specific scenario, but in a production environment where distributed cluster is deployed, I believe the reduction in serialization would be a more major reason for performance improvement.
2. According to the latency-tracking section in Flink document[1], it seems that users would only enable latency markers for debugging purposes, instead of using it in production code. Could you please illustrate a bit more about the scenarios that would be limited when latency markers are disabled? 3. I plan to benchmark the performance of this POC against TPC-DS and hope that it could cover the common use cases that you are concerned about. I believe there would still be performance improvement when the size of each StreamRecord increases, though the improvement will not be as obvious as that currently in FLIP. Best regards, Yunfeng [1] https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/ops/metrics/#end-to-end-latency-tracking On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 5:51 PM Matt Wang <wang...@163.com> wrote: > > Hi Yunfeng, > > Thanks for the proposal. The POC showed a performance improvement of 20%, > which is very exciting. But I have some questions: > 1. Is the performance improvement here mainly due to the reduction of > serialization, or is it due to the judgment consumption caused by tags? > 2. Watermark is not needed in some scenarios, but the latency maker is a > useful function. If the latency maker cannot be used, it will greatly limit > the usage scenarios. Whether the solution design can retain the capability of > the latency marker; > 3. The data of the POC test is of long type. Here I want to see how much > profit it will have if it is a string with a length of 100B or 1KB. > > > -- > > Best, > Matt Wang > > > ---- Replied Message ---- > | From | Yunfeng Zhou<flink.zhouyunf...@gmail.com> | > | Date | 07/13/2023 14:52 | > | To | <dev@flink.apache.org> | > | Subject | Re: [DISCUSS] FLIP-330: Support specifying record timestamp > requirement | > Hi Jing, > > Thanks for reviewing this FLIP. > > 1. I did change the names of some APIs in the FLIP compared with the > original version according to which I implemented the POC. As the core > optimization logic remains the same and the POC's performance can > still reflect the current FLIP's expected improvement, I have not > updated the POC code after that. I'll add a note on the benchmark > section of the FLIP saying that the namings in the POC code might be > outdated, and FLIP is still the source of truth for our proposed > design. > > 2. This FLIP could bring a fixed reduction on the workload of the > per-record serialization path in Flink, so if the absolute time cost > by non-optimized components could be lower, the performance > improvement of this FLIP would be more obvious. That's why I chose to > enable object-reuse and to transmit Boolean values in serialization. > If it would be more widely regarded as acceptable for a benchmark to > adopt more commonly-applied behavior(for object reuse, I believe > disable is more common), I would be glad to update the benchmark > result to disable object reuse. > > Best regards, > Yunfeng > > > On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 6:37 AM Jing Ge <j...@ververica.com.invalid> wrote: > > Hi Yunfeng, > > Thanks for the proposal. It makes sense to offer the optimization. I got > some NIT questions. > > 1. I guess you changed your thoughts while coding the POC, I found > pipeline.enable-operator-timestamp in the code but is > pipeline.force-timestamp-support defined in the FLIP > 2. about the benchmark example, why did you enable object reuse? Since It > is an optimization of serde, will the benchmark be better if it is > disabled? > > Best regards, > Jing > > On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 11:54 AM Yunfeng Zhou <flink.zhouyunf...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > Hi all, > > Dong(cc'ed) and I are opening this thread to discuss our proposal to > support optimizing StreamRecord's serialization performance. > > Currently, a StreamRecord would be converted into a 1-byte tag (+ > 8-byte timestamp) + N-byte serialized value during the serialization > process. In scenarios where timestamps and watermarks are not needed, > and latency tracking is enabled, this process would include > unnecessary information in the serialized byte array. This FLIP aims > to avoid such overhead and increases Flink job's performance during > serialization. > > Please refer to the FLIP document for more details about the proposed > design and implementation. We welcome any feedback and opinions on > this proposal. > > Best regards, Dong and Yunfeng > > [1] > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-330%3A+Support+specifying+record+timestamp+requirement >