Hi Yunfeng, Thanks for the proposal. It makes sense to offer the optimization. I got some NIT questions.
1. I guess you changed your thoughts while coding the POC, I found pipeline.enable-operator-timestamp in the code but is pipeline.force-timestamp-support defined in the FLIP 2. about the benchmark example, why did you enable object reuse? Since It is an optimization of serde, will the benchmark be better if it is disabled? Best regards, Jing On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 11:54 AM Yunfeng Zhou <flink.zhouyunf...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi all, > > Dong(cc'ed) and I are opening this thread to discuss our proposal to > support optimizing StreamRecord's serialization performance. > > Currently, a StreamRecord would be converted into a 1-byte tag (+ > 8-byte timestamp) + N-byte serialized value during the serialization > process. In scenarios where timestamps and watermarks are not needed, > and latency tracking is enabled, this process would include > unnecessary information in the serialized byte array. This FLIP aims > to avoid such overhead and increases Flink job's performance during > serialization. > > Please refer to the FLIP document for more details about the proposed > design and implementation. We welcome any feedback and opinions on > this proposal. > > Best regards, Dong and Yunfeng > > [1] > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-330%3A+Support+specifying+record+timestamp+requirement >