Thanks Shammon for the timely update, the updated FLIP looks good to me.

Hope to see the vote thread and following FLIP-314 discussion thread.


> On Jun 6, 2023, at 5:04 PM, Shammon FY <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for all the feedback.
> For @Jing Ge,
> I forget to update the demo code in the FLIP, the method is
> `onEvent(CatalogModificationEvent, CatalogModificationContext)` and there
> is no `onEvent(CatalogModificationEvent)`. I have updated the code. Context
> contains some additional information that is not part of an Event, but
> needs to be used in the listener, so we separate it from the event.
> For @Panagiotis,
> I think `ioExecutor` make sense to me and I have added it in
> `ContextModificationContext`, thanks
> For @Leonard,
> Thanks for your input.
> 1. I have updated `CatalogModificationContext` as an interface, as well as
> Context in CatalogModificationListenerFactory
> 2. Configuration sounds good to me, I have updated the method name and
> getConfiguration in Context
> For @David,
> Yes, you're right. The listener will only be used on the client side and
> won't introduce a new code path for running per-job/per-session jobs. The
> listener will be created in `TableEnvironment` and `SqlGateway` which can a
> `CatalogManager` with the listener.
> Best,
> Shammon FY
> On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 3:33 PM David Morávek <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for the FLIP! Data lineage is an important problem to tackle.
>> Can you please expand on how this is planned to be wired into the
>> JobManager? As I understand, the listeners will be configured globally (per
>> cluster), so this won't introduce a new code path for running per-job /
>> per-session user code. Is that correct?
>> Best,
>> D
>> On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 9:17 AM Leonard Xu <> wrote:
>>> Thanks Shammon for driving this FLIP forward, I’ve several comments about
>>> the updated FLIP.
>>> 1. CatalogModificationContext is introduced as a class instead of an
>>> interface, is it a typo?
>>> 2. The FLIP defined multiple  Map<String, String> config();  methods in
>>> some Context classes, Could we use  Configuration
>> getConfiguration();Class
>>> org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration is recommend as it’s public
>>> API and offers more useful methods as well.
>>> 3. The Context of CatalogModificationListenerFactory should be an
>>> interface too, and getUserClassLoder()
>>> would be more aligned with flink’s naming style.
>>> Best,
>>> Leonard
>>>> On May 26, 2023, at 4:08 PM, Shammon FY <> wrote:
>>>> Hi devs,
>>>> We would like to bring up a discussion about FLIP-294: Support
>> Customized
>>>> Job Meta Data Listener[1]. We have had several discussions with Jark
>> Wu,
>>>> Leonard Xu, Dong Lin, Qingsheng Ren and Poorvank about the functions
>> and
>>>> interfaces, and thanks for their valuable advice.
>>>> The overall job and connector information is divided into metadata and
>>>> lineage, this FLIP focuses on metadata and lineage will be discussed in
>>>> another FLIP in the future. In this FLIP we want to add a customized
>>>> listener in Flink to report catalog modifications to external metadata
>>>> systems such as datahub[2] or atlas[3]. Users can view the specific
>>>> information of connectors such as source and sink for Flink jobs in
>> these
>>>> systems, including fields, watermarks, partitions, etc.
>>>> Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks.
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]

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