Hi devs,

We would like to bring up a discussion about FLIP-294: Support Customized
Job Meta Data Listener[1]. We have had several discussions with Jark Wu,
Leonard Xu, Dong Lin, Qingsheng Ren and Poorvank about the functions and
interfaces, and thanks for their valuable advice.
The overall job and connector information is divided into metadata and
lineage, this FLIP focuses on metadata and lineage will be discussed in
another FLIP in the future. In this FLIP we want to add a customized
listener in Flink to report catalog modifications to external metadata
systems such as datahub[2] or atlas[3]. Users can view the specific
information of connectors such as source and sink for Flink jobs in these
systems, including fields, watermarks, partitions, etc.

Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks.

[2] https://datahub.io/
[3] https://atlas.apache.org/#/

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