Thank Konstantin, Qingsheng, Jing, Sergey for volunteering releases managers. 
Thank Qingsheng for being the release manager for the two consecutive releases, 
your experience in v1.17 will greatly help the 1.18 release cycle. 

Feature freeze in the middle of July sounds good to me.


> 2023年3月30日 19:33,Martijn Visser <> 写道:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for stepping up as volunteers, much appreciated!
> Best regards,
> Martijn
> On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 5:59 AM Leonard Xu <> wrote:
>> Thanks Konstantin and Qingsheng for kicking off and pushing forward the
>> discussion.
>> Thanks Qingsheng, Jing, Konstantin, Sergey, Yun for volunteering to
>> release manager candidates, 4 release manager from different timezones make
>> sense to me, it brings better coordination for globalization community
>> contributors.
>> About  the feature freeze date , I also propose the middle of July is
>> better as we can preserve a buffer for special case just like we did in
>> release 1.17 cycle.
>> Btw, I’m willing to provide help  in 1.18 release cycle not as release
>> manager too,please ping me if you need help.
>> Best,
>> Leonard
>>> On Mar 30, 2023, at 11:33 AM, Qingsheng Ren <> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I'd like to share some updates about release managers of Flink 1.18.
>> Jing,
>>> Konstantin, Sergey, Yun and I had a discussion offline and we reached a
>>> consensus that having 5 release managers is a bit too much and might lead
>>> to some overhead in communication and workload division. Yun would like
>> to
>>> provide some help in this release cycle but not as a release manager.
>>> Then we have 4 RM volunteers now for 1.18: Jing Ge, Konstantin Knauf,
>>> Qingsheng Ren and Sergey Nuyanzin. Again thanks Yun and everyone for your
>>> help and look forward to working with you in Flink 1.18!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Qingsheng, together with Jing, Konstantin, Sergey and Yun
>>> On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 3:09 PM Matthias Pohl
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Konstantin for driving this.
>>>> I have no objections in regards to the feature freeze happening in July.
>>>> Thanks everyone for volunteering to drive 1.18. +1 on the people who
>>>> offered to help
>>>> PS: I shared learnings from the 1.17 release in the other thread [1] to
>> not
>>>> spam this thread with 1.17-related stuff.
>>>> [1]
>>>> On Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 4:00 AM Yun Tang <> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for kick off the discussion.
>>>>> I'm not sure whether I am a bit late here. I had experience on
>> releasing
>>>>> minor version of Flink-1.13.2 and also be interested in helping to
>>>> release
>>>>> the next major Flink-1.18 version.
>>>>> Best
>>>>> Yun Tang
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> From: Sergey Nuyanzin <>
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2023 9:46
>>>>> To: <>
>>>>> Cc: Jing Ge <>; Konstantin Knauf <>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Planning Flink 1.18
>>>>> Thanks for starting the discussion about Flink 1.18.
>>>>> I would be interested in helping out around the release as well.
>>>>> On Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 2:20 AM Qingsheng Ren <>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Konstantin,
>>>>>> Thanks for kicking off 1.18! As mentioned by Jing we’d like to
>>>>> participate
>>>>>> in the new cycle, and hope my experience in 1.17 could help.
>>>>>> About the feature freezing date, I’m also thinking to set it around
>> mid
>>>>>> July. 1.18 will be a larger release with more features to work with
>>>>>> compared to 1.17. In 1.17 we have ~3 months for development so I think
>>>>> 3.5
>>>>>> months for 1.18 would be reasonable.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Qingsheng
>>>>>> On Sat, Mar 25, 2023 at 07:37 Jing Ge <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Konstantin,
>>>>>>> Qingsheng and I would love to participate and join you as release
>>>>>> managers
>>>>>>> for 1.18.
>>>>>>> Speaking of the timeline, since we will have a big feature release
>>>> with
>>>>>>> 1.18, a feature freeze in the middle of July would be better. It is
>>>>> also
>>>>>>> not far from your proposal.
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Jing
>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 7:35 PM Konstantin Knauf <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>> "Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel" [1] aka "There is always a next
>>>>>>>> release". With the announcement of Flink 1.17, we have entered the
>>>>> next
>>>>>>>> release cycle and with it comes the usual routine:
>>>>>>>> - Release Managers
>>>>>>>> I'd like to volunteer as one of the release managers this time. It
>>>>> has
>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>> good practice to have a team of release managers from different
>>>>>>>> backgrounds, so please raise you hand if you'd like to volunteer
>>>> and
>>>>>> get
>>>>>>>> involved.
>>>>>>>> - Timeline
>>>>>>>> Flink 1.17 was released yesterday. With a target release cycle of 4
>>>>>>> months,
>>>>>>>> we should aim for a feature freeze around the end of June.
>>>>>>>> - Collecting Features
>>>>>>>> While we are assembling the release management team over the next
>>>>> days
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> without anticipating the outcome of any process changes the release
>>>>>>>> management team might want to try out, I think, we can already
>>>> start
>>>>>>>> collecting features as usual on
>>>>>>>> -  Feedback
>>>>>>>> As Matthias already mentioned in the release announcement: if there
>>>>> is
>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>> feedback on the release process or wishes for the future, please
>>>>> share
>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> with any of the Flink 1.17 release managers (Matthias, Martijn,
>>>>> Lenard
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> Qingsheng) or simply in this thread here.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Konstantin
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>> --
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Sergey

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