Hi Konstantin,

Qingsheng and I would love to participate and join you as release managers
for 1.18.
Speaking of the timeline, since we will have a big feature release with
1.18, a feature freeze in the middle of July would be better. It is also
not far from your proposal.

Best regards,

On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 7:35 PM Konstantin Knauf <kna...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> "Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel" [1] aka "There is always a next
> release". With the announcement of Flink 1.17, we have entered the next
> release cycle and with it comes the usual routine:
> - Release Managers
> I'd like to volunteer as one of the release managers this time. It has been
> good practice to have a team of release managers from different
> backgrounds, so please raise you hand if you'd like to volunteer and get
> involved.
> - Timeline
> Flink 1.17 was released yesterday. With a target release cycle of 4 months,
> we should aim for a feature freeze around the end of June.
> - Collecting Features
> While we are assembling the release management team over the next days and
> without anticipating the outcome of any process changes the release
> management team might want to try out, I think, we can already start
> collecting features as usual on
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/1.18+Release.
> -  Feedback
> As Matthias already mentioned in the release announcement: if there is any
> feedback on the release process or wishes for the future, please share it
> with any of the Flink 1.17 release managers (Matthias, Martijn, Lenard and
> Qingsheng) or simply in this thread here.
> Cheers,
> Konstantin
> --
> https://twitter.com/snntrable
> https://github.com/knaufk

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