Thanks Hongshun and Shammon for driving the FLIP!

> *2. Clarification on "future-time" TIMESTAMP OffsetsInitializer*
> *3. Clarification on coupling SPECIFIC-OFFSET startup with SPECIFIC-OFFSET
> post-startup*

Grodan raised a good point about the future TIMESTAMP and SPECIFIC-OFFSET, the 
timestamps/offset of the newly added partition is undetermined when the job 
starts (the partition has not been created yet), and it is the 
timestamps/offset in the future.

 I used many message queue systems like Kafka, Pulsar, xxMQ. In my past 
experience,  TIMESTAMP and SPECIFIC-OFFSET startup modes are usually used to 
specify existing timestamps/offset, which are used for business scenarios such 
as backfilling data and re-refreshing data. At present, It's hard to imagine a 
user scenario specifying a future timestamp to filter data in the current topic 
of message queue system. Is it overthinking to consider future  future 


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