Hi dev,

I just noticed that flink-table-store had introduced the micro benchmark module 
[1] to test the basic performance. And I have two questions here.
First of all, we might not be able to keep the micro benchmark, which is based 
on JMH, in the main repo of flink-table-store. This is because JMH is under GPL 
license, which is not compliant with Apache-2 license. That's why Flink moved 
the flink-benchmark out [2].

Secondly, I try to run the micro benchmark locally but it seems failed, I just 
wonder can we make the flink-table-store's micro benchmark could be 
periodically executed just as flink-benchmarks did on 
http://codespeed.dak8s.net:8080? Please correct me if such daily benchmark has 
been set up.
Moreover, maybe we can also consider to integrate this micro benchmark 
notification in the Slack channel just as what flink-benchmarks did.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-29636
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-2973

Yun Tang

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