CHEN Zhongpu created FLINK-31228:

             Summary: flink-playgrounds is using a buggy zookeeper
                 Key: FLINK-31228
             Project: Flink
          Issue Type: Bug
            Reporter: CHEN Zhongpu

The flink-playgrounds [1] is using a buggy zookeeper image from docker hub, and 
thus the kafka can never connect to the zookeeper server.
How to reproduce the bug?

For example, after running "docker-compose up -d" in operations-playground [2], 
we can observe in Flink web UI that the job will in "restarting" state soon, 
and both "zookeeper" and "kafka" are stopped.
I noticed that the used "wurstmeister/zookeeper:3.4.6" image was published in 7 
years ago, and it is badly documented. In my test, switching to 
"bitnami/zookeeper:3.7.1" can solve this problem.

Also, I think it would be better to discard images published by wurstmeister, 
since they are not updated frequently (and there buggy), and we should switch 
to bitnami.




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