Hi all,

The new workflow is documented at https://flink.apache.org/community.html



On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 3:37 AM Leonard Xu <xbjt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > The mailing list has been created and I've opened a PR  to update the
> docs
> > https://github.com/apache/flink-web/pull/583
> Thanks @Martijn for the nice work.
> I am willing to review this document PR, because the PR also provides
> Chinese part, which is great, I should be able to offer some tips.
> Best,
> Leonard
> >
> > Op zo 13 nov. 2022 om 09:40 schreef Martijn Visser <
> martijnvis...@apache.org
> >>
> >
> >> Agreed. I've requested a new private mailing list [1]
> >>
> >> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-23898
> >>
> >> On Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 12:09 PM Márton Balassi <
> balassi.mar...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Martjin,
> >>>
> >>> Given the situation let us set up the Jira signup mailing list
> following
> >>> the Calcite model. This seems the most sensible to me as of now.
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 7:26 PM Martijn Visser <
> martijnvis...@apache.org>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi everyone,
> >>>>
> >>>> Unfortunately ASF Infra has already implemented the change and new
> Jira
> >>>> users can't sign up.
> >>>>
> >>>> I think there is consensus that we shouldn't move from Jira now. My
> >>>> proposal would be to setup a separate mailing list to which users can
> >>> send
> >>>> their request for an account, which gets sent to the PMC so they can
> >>> create
> >>>> accounts for them. I don't see any other short term solution.
> >>>>
> >>>> If agreed, let's open up a vote thread on this.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks, Martijn
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Op do 3 nov. 2022 om 04:51 schreef Xintong Song <
> tonysong...@gmail.com>
> >>>>
> >>>>> Thanks all for the valuable feedback, opinions and suggestions.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> # Option 1.
> >>>>> I know this is the first choice for pretty much everyone. Many people
> >>>> from
> >>>>> the Flink community (including myself) have shared their opinion with
> >>>>> Infra. However, based on the feedback so far, TBH I don't think
> things
> >>>>> would turn out the way we want. I don't see what else we can do. Does
> >>>>> anyone have more suggestions on this option? Or we probably have to
> >>>>> scratch it out of the list.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> # Option 4.
> >>>>> Seems there are also quite some concerns on using solely GH issues:
> >>>> limited
> >>>>> features (thus the significant changes to the current issue/release
> >>>>> management processes), migration cost, source of truth, etc. I think
> >>> I'm
> >>>>> also convinced that this may not be a good choice.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> # Option 2 & 3.
> >>>>> Between the two options, I'm leaning towards option 2.
> >>>>> - IMO, making it as easy as possible for users to report issues
> should
> >>>> be a
> >>>>> top priority. Having to wait for a human response for creating an
> >>> account
> >>>>> does not meet that requirement. That makes a strong objection to
> >>> option 3
> >>>>> from my side.
> >>>>> - Using GH issues for consumer-facing issues and reflecting the valid
> >>>> ones
> >>>>> back to Jira (either manually by committers or by bot) sounds good to
> >>> me.
> >>>>> The status (open/closed) and labels should make tracking the issues
> >>>> easier
> >>>>> compared to in mailing lists / slack, in terms of whether an issue
> has
> >>>> been
> >>>>> taken care of / reflected to Jira / closed as invalid. That does not
> >>> mean
> >>>>> we should not reflect things from mailing lists / slack to Jira.
> >>> Ideally,
> >>>>> we leverage every possible channel for collecting user issues /
> >>> feedback,
> >>>>> while guiding / suggesting users to choose GH issues over the others.
> >>>>> - For new contributors, they still need to request an account from a
> >>> PMC
> >>>>> member. They can even make that request on GH issues, if they do not
> >>> mind
> >>>>> posting the email address publicly.
> >>>>> - I would not be worried very much about the privacy issue, if the
> >>> Jira
> >>>>> account creation is restricted to contributors. Contributors are
> >>> exposing
> >>>>> their email addresses publicly anyway, in dev@ mailing list and
> >>> commit
> >>>>> history. I'm also not strongly against creating a dedicated mailing
> >>> list
> >>>>> though.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Best,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Xintong
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 9:16 PM Chesnay Schepler <ches...@apache.org>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Calcite just requested a separate mailing list for users to request
> >>> a
> >>>>>> JIRA account.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I think I'd try going a similar route. While I prefer the openness
> >>> of
> >>>>>> github issues, they are really limited, and while some things can be
> >>>>>> replicated with labels (like fix versions / components), things like
> >>>>>> release notes can't.
> >>>>>> We'd also lose a central place for collecting issues, since we'd
> >>> have
> >>>> to
> >>>>>> (?) scope issues per repo.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I wouldn't want to import everything into GH issues (it's just a
> >>> flawed
> >>>>>> approach in the long-term imo), but on the other hand I don't know
> >>> if
> >>>>>> the auto linker even works if it has to link to either jira or a GH
> >>>>> issue.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Given that we need to change workflows in any case, I think I'd
> >>> prefer
> >>>>>> sticking to JIRA.
> >>>>>> For reported bugs I'd wager that in most cases we can file the
> >>> tickets
> >>>>>> ourselves and communicate with users on slack/MLs to gather all the
> >>>>>> information. I'd argue that if we'd had been more pro-active with
> >>>> filing
> >>>>>> tickets for user issues (instead of relying on them to do it) we
> >>>>>> would've addressed several issues way sooner.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Additionally, since either option would be a sort of experiment,
> >>> then
> >>>>>> JIRA is a safer option. We have to change less and there aren't any
> >>>>>> long-term ramifications (like having to re-import GH tickets into
> >>>> JIRA).
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 28/10/2022 16:49, Piotr Nowojski wrote:
> >>>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I'm afraid of the migration cost to only github issues and lack of
> >>>> many
> >>>>>>> features that we are currently using. That would be very
> >>> disruptive
> >>>> and
> >>>>>>> annoying. For me github issues are far worse compared to using the
> >>>>> Jira.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I would strongly prefer Option 1. over the others. Option 4 I
> >>> would
> >>>>> like
> >>>>>>> the least. I would be fine with Option 3, and Option 2 but
> >>> assuming
> >>>>> that
> >>>>>>> Jira would stay the source of truth.
> >>>>>>> For option 2, maybe we could have a bot that would backport/copy
> >>> user
> >>>>>>> created issues in github to Jira (and link them together)?
> >>>> Discussions
> >>>>>>> could still happen in the github, but we could track all of the
> >>>> issues
> >>>>> as
> >>>>>>> we are doing right now. Bot could also sync it the other way
> >>> around
> >>>>> (like
> >>>>>>> marking tickets closed, affected/fixed versions etc).
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>> Piotrek
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> czw., 27 paź 2022 o 07:48 Martijn Visser <
> >>> martijnvis...@apache.org>
> >>>>>>> napisał(a):
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> We have to keep in mind that if a users asks for a new Jira
> >>> account,
> >>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>> person will need to provide its email address which is the Flink
> >>> PMC
> >>>>>>>> processing personal identifiable information. There needs to be a
> >>>>>> careful
> >>>>>>>> process for that and to be honest, I don't think the ASF should
> >>> do
> >>>>> this
> >>>>>>>> from a privacy perspective.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> As an example, the Calcite community decided to create a
> >>> dedicated,
> >>>>>> private
> >>>>>>>> list where users can ask for an account to avoid making the email
> >>>>>> address
> >>>>>>>> public.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Best regards,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Martijn
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Op wo 26 okt. 2022 om 22:31 schreef Danny Cranmer <
> >>>>>> dannycran...@apache.org
> >>>>>>>>> Hello,
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> I agree with Gyula. My preference is also option 1, and as a
> >>>> fallback
> >>>>>>>>> option 3. Handling new user account requests will be manageable,
> >>>>>>>> especially
> >>>>>>>>> via slack. We could setup a dedicated channel for people to ask
> >>> for
> >>>>>>>>> Jira/wiki access.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>>>>> Danny
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On Wed, 26 Oct 2022, 12:16 Gyula Fóra, <gyf...@apache.org>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi!
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> I would also personally prefer staying with JIRA given the
> >>> feature
> >>>>> set
> >>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>> the past positive experience with it.
> >>>>>>>>>> I think the structured nature of JIRA with flexible components,
> >>>>> issue
> >>>>>>>>>> types, epics, release handling etc have been a great benefit to
> >>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> project, it would be a shame to give some of these up.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> If for some reason Option 1 is not possible, I would still
> >>> prefer
> >>>>>>>> Option
> >>>>>>>>> 3
> >>>>>>>>>> (requiring new contributors to ask for JIRA access) compared to
> >>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> alternatives.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>>>> Gyula
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 3:48 PM Robert Metzger <
> >>>> rmetz...@apache.org
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for starting this discussion Xintong!
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> I would also prefer option 1.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> The ASF Jira is probably one of the largest, public Jira
> >>>> instances
> >>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> internet. Most other Jiras are internal within companies, so
> >>>>>>>> Atlassian
> >>>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>> probably not putting a lot of effort into automatically
> >>> detecting
> >>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>> preventing spam and malicious account creation.
> >>>>>>>>>>> If we want to convince Infra to keep the current sign up
> >>> process,
> >>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>>>> probably need to help them find a solution for the problem.
> >>>>>>>>>>> Maybe we can configure the ASF Jira to rely on GitHub as an
> >>>>> identity
> >>>>>>>>>>> provider? I've just proposed that in the discussion on
> >>>>>>>>>>> us...@infra.apache.org, let's see ;)
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>>>> Robert
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 2:08 PM Konstantin Knauf <
> >>>>> kna...@apache.org>
> >>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> while I see some benefits in moving to Github Issues
> >>> completely,
> >>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> be aware that Github Issues lacks many features that Jira
> >>> has.
> >>>>> From
> >>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> top
> >>>>>>>>>>>> of my head:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> * there are no issue types
> >>>>>>>>>>>> * no priorities
> >>>>>>>>>>>> * issues can only be assigned to one milestone
> >>>>>>>>>>>> So, you need to work a lot with labels and conventions and
> >>>>>>>> basically
> >>>>>>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>>>>>> bots or actions to manage those. Agreeing on those processes,
> >>>>>>>> setting
> >>>>>>>>>>> them
> >>>>>>>>>>>> up and getting used to them will be a lot of work for the
> >>>>>>>> community.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> So, I am also in favor of 1) for now, because I don't really
> >>>> see a
> >>>>>>>>> good
> >>>>>>>>>>>> alternative option.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Konstantin
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Am Mo., 24. Okt. 2022 um 22:27 Uhr schrieb Matthias Pohl
> >>>>>>>>>>>> <matthias.p...@aiven.io.invalid>:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree that leaving everything as is would be the best
> >>>> option. I
> >>>>>>>>>> also
> >>>>>>>>>>>> tend
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to lean towards option 4 as a fallback for the reasons
> >>> already
> >>>>>>>>>>> mentioned.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm still not a big fan of the Github issues. But that's
> >>>> probably
> >>>>>>>>>> only
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> because I'm used to the look-and-feel and the workflows of
> >>>> Jira.
> >>>>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>>> see
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> certain benefits of moving to Github, though. We're still
> >>>> having
> >>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> idea
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> of migrating from AzureCI to GitHub Actions. Moving the
> >>> issues
> >>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>> GitHub
> >>>>>>>>>>>> as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> well might improve the user experience even more. Reducing
> >>> the
> >>>>>>>>> number
> >>>>>>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> services a new contributor should be aware of to reach the
> >>>>>>>>> community
> >>>>>>>>>>> is a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> good way to reduce the confusion for newcomers, I could
> >>>> imagine.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, I also like the fact that I wouldn't have to
> >>>> bother
> >>>>>>>>>> about
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Apache Jira markdown anymore. 8)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree with Martijn's concern about not being able to track
> >>>> all
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Flink-related issues in a single system. I'm just wondering
> >>>>>>>> whether
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> something is holding us back from collecting all
> >>> Flink-related
> >>>>>>>>> issues
> >>>>>>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the Flink's Github repository and disabling the issue
> >>> feature
> >>>> in
> >>>>>>>>> any
> >>>>>>>>>>>> other
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Flink-related repository?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> About migrating the Jira issues: I would be hopeful that
> >>>>>>>> migrating
> >>>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> doable in the end. There is a blog post from the spring data
> >>>> guys
> >>>>>>>>>> about
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> their journey on migrating from Jira to GitHub issues [1].
> >>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> they didn't provide any scripts.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> For the case that infra moves forward with disabling the
> >>> signup
> >>>>>>>>>> without
> >>>>>>>>>>>> us
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> having come up with a decision and its actual execution
> >>> (i.e.
> >>>>>>>>>> migrating
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Jira issues to GH), I would prefer having users send a
> >>> request
> >>>> to
> >>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing list. I would rather have a temporary phase where
> >>>>>>>> there's a
> >>>>>>>>>> bit
> >>>>>>>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> overhead of registering the users in the Apache Jira than
> >>>> having
> >>>>>>>>> two
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> locations for bug tracking. I suspect that there are no
> >>>>>>>> statistics
> >>>>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>>>> how
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> many new users register with Jira in a given timeframe to
> >>>>>>>>> contribute
> >>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Flink?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Matthias
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> https://spring.io/blog/2021/01/07/spring-data-s-migration-from-jira-to-github-issues
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/pjb5jzvw41xjtzgf4w0gggpqrt2fq6ov
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 10:28 AM Xintong Song <
> >>>>>>>>> tonysong...@gmail.com
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree with you that option 1) would be the best for us.
> >>>> Let's
> >>>>>>>>>> keep
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> hoping
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the best.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Option 4), as you said, comes with prices. At the moment, I
> >>>>>>>> don't
> >>>>>>>>>>> have
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> thorough answers to your questions.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just one quick response, I think there's a good chance
> >>> that we
> >>>>>>>>> can
> >>>>>>>>>>>> import
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> current Jira tickets into GH. Jira supports exporting
> >>> issues
> >>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>>>>> fields
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you specified as CSV/XML/... files. With a brief
> >>> google
> >>>>>>>>>> search,
> >>>>>>>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> found some tools that help bulk creating issues in GH.
> >>> E.g.,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> github-csv-tools [1] is described to support importing
> >>> issues
> >>>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>>>>> title,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> body, labels, status and milestones from a CSV file. That's
> >>>>>>>>>> probably
> >>>>>>>>>>>> good
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> enough for us to search/filter the issues in GH, and a
> >>> link to
> >>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> Jira
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ticket can be posted in the GH issue for complete
> >>> conversation
> >>>>>>>>>>> history
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> other details.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xintong
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/gavinr/github-csv-tools
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 3:58 PM Martijn Visser <
> >>>>>>>>>>>> martijnvis...@apache.org
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Xintong,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm also not in favour of option 2, I think that two
> >>> systems
> >>>>>>>>> will
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> result
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in an administrative burden and less-efficient workflow.
> >>> I'm
> >>>>>>>>> also
> >>>>>>>>>>> not
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> favour of option 3, I think that this will result in first
> >>>>>>>> time
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users/contributors in not-filling their first bug report,
> >>>>>>>> user
> >>>>>>>>>>>> question
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature request.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm still hoping for option 1 while the discussion is not
> >>>>>>>>>> finished
> >>>>>>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Infra.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we assume that option 1 won't be possible, then I think
> >>>>>>>>>> option 4
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> will
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be the best-option-left. I'm not necessarily in favour,
> >>>>>>>> because
> >>>>>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>> a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> number
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of problems it will introduce:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. I don't think importing current Jira tickets into
> >>> Github
> >>>>>>>>>> Issues
> >>>>>>>>>>>> is a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realistic option. So we would have two administrations.
> >>>>>>>> Before
> >>>>>>>>>> you
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> create a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new ticket, you should check if it exists both as a Jira
> >>>>>>>> ticket
> >>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>> as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Github Issue.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. How would we deal with completing a PR? There must be
> >>> one
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> administration leading for the changelog generation (to
> >>> avoid
> >>>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> you're
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> missing an item), which could then only be Github Issues.
> >>> So
> >>>>>>>>>> would
> >>>>>>>>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> require all PRs that are merged to exist as a Github
> >>> Issue?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. There's no longer one central administration, which is
> >>>>>>>>>>> especially
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> valuable to track all issues across projects like the
> >>>>>>>> different
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> connectors,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Flink ML, Table Store etc.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Our current CI labeling works on the Jira issues, not
> >>> on
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Github
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Issues labels.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martijn
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 7:29 AM Xintong Song <
> >>>>>>>>>>> tonysong...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi devs and users,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As many of you may have already noticed, Infra announced
> >>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>> they
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> will
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> soon disable public Jira account signups [1]. That
> >>> means, in
> >>>>>>>>>> order
> >>>>>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> someone who is not yet a Jira user to open or comment on
> >>> an
> >>>>>>>>>> issue,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> he/she
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has to first reach out to a PMC member to create an
> >>> account
> >>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> him/her.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This raises the bar for new contributors and users to
> >>>>>>>>>> participate
> >>>>>>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> community interactions, making it necessary for us to
> >>>>>>>> consider
> >>>>>>>>>>>> whether
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> (and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how) we should change our issue tracking workflows.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can see a few possible options.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Reaching out to Infra and trying to change their mind
> >>> on
> >>>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decision. I’ve already been trying this [2], and so far
> >>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> feedback
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unoptimistic.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Using both Jira (for development issues) & Github
> >>> Issues
> >>>>>>>>> (for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> customer-facing issues), as Infra suggested.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Stay with using Jira only, so that new Jira users
> >>> need to
> >>>>>>>>> ask
> >>>>>>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing lists / Slack for creating accounts.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Migrating to Github Issues completely.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personally, I’m leaning toward option 4).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TBH, I don’t see any good reason for option 2). I’d
> >>> expect
> >>>>>>>>> using
> >>>>>>>>>>> two
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different issue tracking tools at the same time would be
> >>>>>>>>> complex
> >>>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chaotic. Option 3) is probably more friendly to existing
> >>>>>>>>>>> developers
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users, while being less friendly to newcomers. Option 4)
> >>> on
> >>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> contrary,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is more friendly to newcomers, at some migration cost
> >>> which
> >>>>>>>>>> might
> >>>>>>>>>>> be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-trivial but once for all.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Github issues have been widely used by many open source
> >>>>>>>>>> projects,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> including Kubernetes, Flink CDC, and Apache projects
> >>> Iceberg
> >>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Airflow.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With a set of well-designed labels, we should be able to
> >>>>>>>>> achieve
> >>>>>>>>>>>> most
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Jira functions / features that we currently rely on.
> >>>>>>>>>> Moreover,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better integrates the issue tracking and code
> >>> contributing
> >>>>>>>>>>> systems,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would be easier to access (I believe there’s more GH
> >>> users
> >>>>>>>>> than
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Jira /
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mailing lists).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All in all, I’d suggest to keep monitoring Infra’s
> >>> feedback
> >>>>>>>> on
> >>>>>>>>>>>> option
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1),
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while taking steps (investigation, workflow & label
> >>> design)
> >>>>>>>>>>>> preparing
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option 4).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to hearing what you think about this.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xintong
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/jx9d7sp690ro660pjpttwtg209w3m39w
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread/fjjtk30dxf6fyoo4q3rmkhh028or40fw
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>>>> https://twitter.com/snntrable
> >>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/knaufk
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>> Martijn
> >>>>>>>> https://twitter.com/MartijnVisser82
> >>>>>>>> https://github.com/MartijnVisser
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>> --
> >>>> Martijn
> >>>> https://twitter.com/MartijnVisser82
> >>>> https://github.com/MartijnVisser
> >>>>
> >>>
> >> --
> > Martijn
> > https://twitter.com/MartijnVisser82
> > https://github.com/MartijnVisser

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