Hi all,

I'd also like to add my non-binding +1 for this FLIP. I think it's a great idea 
to make onboarding easier for new data analysts/engineers, and IMO adding more 
dedicated connectors is a step in the right direction.


On 27/07/2022, 19:15, "Ryan Skraba" <rskr...@apache.org> wrote:

    CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not 
click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the 
content is safe.


    I'd like to add my non-binding +1 for this FLIP.

    Full disclosure: as a colleague of Andriy, I sometimes hear the gory 
details of divergence between Elasticsearch and OpenSearch.  Objectively, this 
is a good reason to create independent OpenSearch connectors.

    As a side comment, while Elasticsearch as a trademark and service mark 
never has an internal capital S, OpenSearch always does.

    All my best, Ryan

    On 2022/07/13 20:22:11 Andriy Redko wrote:
    > Hey Folks,
    > Thanks a lot for all the feedback and comments so far. Based on the 
discussion [1],
    > it seems like there is a genuine interest in supporting OpenSearch [2] 
natively. With
    > that being said, I would like to start a vote on FLIP-243 [3].
    > The vote will last for at least 72 hours unless there is an objection or
    > insufficient votes.
    > Thank you!
    > [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread/jls0vqc7jb84jp14j4jok1pqfgo2cl30
    > [2] https://opensearch.org/
    > [3] 
    > Best Regards,
    >     Andriy Redko

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