Hello, sorry to bother but I want to know what’s the progress of this FLIP, we 
have facing the similar problem in Flink and FlinkSQL batch mode because of the 
resource shortage momentary and I think this may help us. Thanks!

On 2022/05/30 16:11:24 "Afonso, Nuno" wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to start a discussion about FLIP-236: Asynchronous Job 
> Submission [1].
> During the processing of a job submission request, Flink runs the “main” 
> method in a previously submitted JAR.
> This method may contain operations that take arbitrarily long to complete or 
> genuine issues that will never generate a job.
> In those cases, clients will not be able to cancel any ongoing job 
> submissions and will block (until a timeout is reached) before realizing that 
> no progress is being made.
> In [1], we propose a new set of API calls to support an asynchronous job 
> submission: creation, listing, completion tracking and deletion of job 
> submissions.
> It uncouples the passive wait as well as extends control over job submissions.
> Looking forward to hearing your feedback,
> Nuno
> [1] 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-236%3A+Asynchronous+Job+Submission
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-236%3A+Asynchronous+Job+Submission>

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