Hi, Flink developers. I want to start a discussion about the FLIP-91: Support Flink SQL Gateway[1]. Flink SQL Gateway is a service that allows users to submit and manage their jobs in the online environment with the pluggable endpoints. The reason why we introduce the Gateway with pluggable endpoints is that many users have their preferences. For example, the HiveServer2 users prefer to use the gateway with HiveServer2-style API, which has numerous tools. However, some filnk-native users may prefer to use the REST API. Therefore, we propose the SQL Gateway with pluggable endpoint.
In the FLIP, we also propose the REST endpoint, which has the similar APIs compared to the gateway in the ververica/flink-sql-gateway[2]. At the last, we discuss how to use the SQL Client to submit the statement to the Gateway with the REST API. I am glad that you can give some feedback about FLIP-91. Best, Shengkai [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-91%3A+Support+SQL+Client+Gateway [2] https://github.com/ververica/flink-sql-gateway