P.S. So now my pattern looks like this: Pattern.begin[AccelVector](EventPatternName, AfterMatchSkipStrategy.skipPastLastEvent()) .where(_.data() > Threshold) .oneOrMore .greedy .consecutive() .within(Time.minutes(1))
śr., 25 mar 2020 o 10:03 Dominik Wosiński <wos...@gmail.com> napisał(a): > Hey, thanks for the answer. > > But if I add the *AfterMatchSkipStrategy* it simply seems to emit event > by event so in the case described above it does emit: [400], [500] > Shouldn't the *greedy* quantifier guarantee that this will be matched as > many times as possible thus creating [400, 500] ?? > > Thanks again. > Best Regards, > Dom. >