+1 (non-binding)
> 2020年1月30日 下午7:36,Igal Shilman <i...@ververica.com> 写道:
> +1 (non-binding)
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 12:18 PM Yu Li <car...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> +1 (non-binding)
>> Best Regards,
>> Yu
>> On Thu, 30 Jan 2020 at 18:35, Arvid Heise <ar...@ververica.com> wrote:
>>> +1 (non-binding)
>>> On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 11:10 AM Fabian Hueske <fhue...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ismael,
>>>>> Just one question, we will be able to still be featured as an
>> official
>>>> docker image in this case?
>>>> Yes, that's the goal. We still want to publish official DockerHub
>> images
>>>> for every Flink release.
>>>> Since we're mainly migrating the docker-flink/docker-flink repo to
>>>> apache/flink-docker, this should just work as before.
>>>> Less important images (playgrounds, demos) would be published via ASF
>>> Infra
>>>> under the Apache DockerHub user [1].
>>>> Best,
>>>> Fabian
>>>> [1] https://hub.docker.com/u/apache
>>>> Am Do., 30. Jan. 2020 um 06:12 Uhr schrieb Hequn Cheng <
>>>> chenghe...@gmail.com
>>>>> :
>>>>> +1
>>>>> Even though I prefer to contribute the Dockerfiles into the Flink
>> main
>>>>> repo,
>>>>> but I think a dedicate repo is also a good idea.
>>>>> Thanks a lot for driving this! @Ufuk Celebi
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 12:02 PM Peter Huang <
>>> huangzhenqiu0...@gmail.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> +1 (non-binding)
>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 5:54 PM Yang Wang <danrtsey...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> +1 (non-binding)
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Yang
>>>>>>> Rong Rong <walter...@gmail.com> 于2020年1月30日周四 上午12:53写道:
>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Rong
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 8:51 AM Ismaël Mejía <
>> ieme...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> +1 (non-binding)
>>>>>>>>> No more maintenance work for us Patrick! Just kidding :), it
>>> was
>>>>>> mostly
>>>>>>>>> done by Patrick, all kudos to him.
>>>>>>>>> Just one question, we will be able to still be featured as an
>>>>>> official
>>>>>>>>> docker image in this case?
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Ismaël
>>>>>>>>> ps. Hope having an official Helm chart becomes also a future
>>>>> target.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 3:26 PM Fabian Hueske <
>>>> fhue...@apache.org>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>>>> Am Di., 28. Jan. 2020 um 15:23 Uhr schrieb Yun Tang <
>>>>>>> myas...@live.com
>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>> +1 (non-binding)
>>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Stephan Ewen <se...@apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 21:36
>>>>>>>>>>> To: dev <dev@flink.apache.org>; patr...@ververica.com <
>>>>>>>>>>> patr...@ververica.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Integrate Flink Docker image
>>> publication
>>>>> into
>>>>>>>> Flink
>>>>>>>>>>> release process
>>>>>>>>>>> +1
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 2:20 PM Patrick Lucas <
>>>>>>> patr...@ververica.com
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for kicking this off, Ufuk.
>>>>>>>>>>>> +1 (non-binding)
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 5:50 PM Ufuk Celebi <
>>>> u...@apache.org>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a proposal to contribute the Dockerfiles and
>>>>> scripts
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/docker-flink/docker-flink to the
>>>> Flink
>>>>>>>> project.
>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion corresponding to this vote outlines the
>>>>> reasoning
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> proposal and can be found here: [1].
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The proposal is as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * Request a new repository apache/flink-docker
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * Migrate all files from docker-flink/docker-flink to
>>>>>>>>>>> apache/flink-docker
>>>>>>>>>>>>> * Update the release documentation to describe how to
>>>>> update
>>>>>>>>>>>>> apache/flink-docker for new releases
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please review and vote on this proposal as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ ] +1, Approve the proposal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [ ] -1, Do not approve the proposal (please provide
>>>>> specific
>>>>>>>>>> comments)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The vote will be open for at least 3 days, ending the
>>>>>> earliest
>>>>>>>> on:
>>>>>>>>>>>> January
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 30th 2020, 17:00 UTC.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ufuk
>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS: I'm treating this proposal similar to a "Release
>>>> Plan"
>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>> mentioned
>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the project bylaws [2]. Please let me know if you
>>>> consider
>>>>>>> this a
>>>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>>>> category.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Integrate-Flink-Docker-image-publication-into-Flink-release-process-td36139.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=120731026