Hi everyone, following the discussion started by Seth [1] I would like to discuss dropping the vendor specific repositories from Flink's parent pom.xml. As building Flink against a vendor specific Hadoop version is no longer needed (as it simply needs to be added to the classpath) and documented, I believe that the vendor specific repositories and the mapr profile have become obsolete. Moreover, users can still use vendor specific Hadoop versions if they configure their local maven to point to the respective repository [2]. Flink's sources would simply no longer be shipped with this option.
Are there any concerns about dropping the vendor specific repositories from pom.xml? I would like to make this change for the upcoming Flink 1.10 release if possible. [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/83afcf6c0d5d7a0a7179cbdac9593ebe7478b0dc548781bf9915a006%40%3Cdev.flink.apache.org%3E [2] https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multiple-repositories.html Cheers, Till