Hi Bowen,

Thanks for your comments. I'll add catalog details as you suggested.

One more question: since we decide to not implement source part of the
connector at the moment.
What can users do with a Pulsar catalog?
Create a table backed by Pulsar and check existing pulsar tables to see
their schemas? Drop tables maybe?


On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 1:04 AM Bowen Li <bowenl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Yijie,
> Per the discussion, maybe you can move pulsar source to 'future work'
> section in the FLIP for now?
> Besides, the FLIP seems to be quite rough at the moment, and I'd recommend
> to add more details .
> A few questions mainly regarding the proposed pulsar catalog.
>    - Can you provide some background of pulsar schema registry and how it
>    works?
>    - The proposed design of pulsar catalog is very vague now, can you
>    share some details of how a pulsar catalog would work internally? E.g.
>       - which APIs does it support exactly? E.g. I see from your
>       prototype that table creation is supported but not alteration.
>       - is it going to connect to a pulsar schema registry via a http
>       client or a pulsar client, etc
>       - will it be able to handle multiple versions of pulsar, or just
>       one? How is compatibility handles between different Flink-Pulsar 
> versions?
>       - will it support only reading from pulsar schema registry , or
>       both read/write? Will it work end-to-end in Flink SQL for users to 
> create
>       and manipulate a pulsar table such as "CREATE TABLE t WITH
>       PROPERTIES(type=pulsar)" and "DROP TABLE t"?
>       - Is a pulsar topic always gonna be a non-partitioned table? How is
>       a partitioned topic mapped to a Flink table?
>    - How to map Flink's catalog/database namespace to pulsar's
>    multi-tenant namespaces? I'm not very familiar with how multi tenancy works
>    in pulsar, and some background context/use cases may help here too. E.g.
>       - can a pulsar client/consumer/producer be multiple-tenant at the
>       same time?
>       - how does authentication work in pulsar's multi-tenancy and the
>       catalog? asking since I didn't see the proposed pulsar catalog has
>       username/password configs
>       - the FLIP seems propose mapping a pulsar cluster and
>       'tenant/namespace' respectively to Flink's 'catalog' and 'database'. I
>       wonder whether it totally makes sense, or should we actually map 
> "tenant"
>       to "catalog", and "namespace" to "database"?
> Cheers,
> Bowen
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 1:16 AM Yijie Shen <henry.yijies...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Per discussion in the previous thread
>> <
>> http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Contribute-Pulsar-Flink-connector-back-to-Flink-tc32538.html
>> >,
>> I have created FLIP-72 to kick off a more detailed discussion on the Flink
>> Pulsar connector:
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-72%3A+Introduce+Pulsar+Connector
>> In short, the connector has the following features:
>>    -
>>    Pulsar as a streaming source with exactly-once guarantee.
>>    -
>>    Sink streaming results to Pulsar with at-least-once semantics.
>>    -
>>    Build upon Flink new Table API Type system (FLIP-37
>>    <
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-37%3A+Rework+of+the+Table+API+Type+System
>> >
>>    ), and can automatically (de)serialize messages with the help of Pulsar
>>    schema.
>>    -
>>    Integrate with Flink new Catalog API (FLIP-30
>>    <
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-30%3A+Unified+Catalog+APIs
>> >),
>>    which enables the use of Pulsar topics as tables in Table API as well
>> as
>>    SQL client.
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rES79eKhkJxrRfQp1b3u8LB2aPaq-6JaDHDPJIA8kMY/edit#heading=h.28v5v23yeq1u
>> Would love to here your thoughts on this.
>> Best,
>> Yijie

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