
I agree with Gordon that those are useful features. The only thing I’d like to 
add is that I don’t believe listing operator ids will be useful to most users, 
they want to see UIDs which would also require changes to the Savepoint 
metadata file. I think that would be a good follow up but outside the scope of 
an initial implementation. 


> On May 30, 2019, at 3:05 AM, Louis <xu_soft39211...@163.com> wrote:
> +1 from my size.
> I think it will be a good feature.
> Best
> -- 
> Louis
> Email:xu_soft39211...@163.com
>> On 30 May 2019, at 15:57, Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai <tzuli...@apache.org> wrote:
>> The name "Savepoint Connector" might indeed be not that good, as it doesn't
>> point out the fact that with the current design, all kinds of snapshots
>> (savepoint / full or incremental checkpoints) can be read.
>> @Paul
>> That would be a very valid requirement. Querying the list of existing
>> operator ids should be straight forward, as that information is in the
>> snapshot metadata file.
>> However, querying state names / state structure / state type would
>> currently be impossible without also reading the state itself, as that
>> information isn't globally available and can only be known when each key
>> group is being read. We could potentially make those information available
>> in the snapshot metadata file, but that would require more work. I think
>> that can be a next step once we have an initial version.
>> Cheers,
>> Gordon
>>> On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 1:21 PM Paul Lam <paullin3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Seth,
>>> Sorry for the confusion. I mean currently we need to know the operator id,
>>> state name and the state type (eg. ListState, MapState) beforehand to get
>>> the states. Is possible that we can perform a scan to get all existing
>>> operator ids or state names in the savepoint? It would be good to know what
>>> states are in the savepoint before we get to a specific state.
>>> For example, if we analyze a savepoint created weeks ago, and the
>>> corresponding job has been modified since that, say, moved from KafkaSink
>>> to KinesisSink, so we are not sure whether we have the Kafka sink states or
>>> the Kinesis sink states in the savepoint and might need to try twice to get
>>> the right one.
>>> I’m not familiar with the savepoint formats, so pardon me if it’s a dumb
>>> question.
>>> Best,
>>> Paul Lam
>>> 在 2019年5月30日,11:09,Seth Wiesman <sjwies...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> I’m not following, could you provide and example of the kind of operation
>>> your describing?
>>> Seth
>>> On May 29, 2019, at 7:37 PM, Paul Lam <paullin3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Seth,
>>> +1 from my side.
>>> I was wondering if we can add a reader method to provide a full view of
>>> the states instead of the state of a specific operator? It would be helpful
>>> when there is some unrestored states of a previously removed operator in
>>> the savepoint.
>>> Best,
>>> Paul Lam
>>> 在 2019年5月30日,09:55,vino yang <yanghua1...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>> Hi Seth,
>>> Glad to see this FLIP, big +1 for this feature!
>>> Best,
>>> Vino
>>> Seth Wiesman <sjwies...@gmail.com> 于2019年5月30日周四 上午7:14写道:
>>> Hey Everyone!
>>> ​
>>> Gordon and I have been discussing adding a savepoint connector to flink
>>> for reading, writing and modifying savepoints.
>>> ​
>>> This is useful for:
>>> ​
>>> Analyzing state for interesting patterns
>>> Troubleshooting or auditing jobs by checking for discrepancies in state
>>> Bootstrapping state for new applications
>>> Modifying savepoints such as:
>>>    Changing max parallelism
>>>    Making breaking schema changes
>>>    Correcting invalid state
>>> ​
>>> We are looking forward to your feedback!
>>> ​
>>> This is the FLIP:
>>> ​
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-43%3A+Savepoint+Connector
>>> Seth

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