Sorry, I meant "I don't see a way of doing this apart from setting a part file *suffix* with the required file extension. "
On 2018/03/29 14:55:43, <> wrote: > Currently the BucketingSink allows addition of part prefix, pending > prefix/suffix and in-progress prefix/suffix via setter methods. Can we also > support setting part suffixes? > An instance where this maybe useful: I am currently writing GZIP compressed > output to S3 using the BucketingSink and I would want the uploaded files to > have a ".gz" or ".zip" extensions (if the files does not have such an > extensionelse they are written as garbled bytes and don't get rendered > correctly for reading). I don't see a way of doing this apart from setting a > part file prefix with the required file extension. > > Thanks > Lakshmi >