Hi all, I want to revive the discussion about releasing Flink 1.4 [1] and the set of features to include.
The gist of the previous discussion was that we postponed the feature freeze for 1.4 in order to include some more features which were being developed. By now, we have completed a good set of features such as exactly once Kafka producer, reduced dependency footprint, Hadoop-free Flink and many bug fixes. I believe that these features will make good release and users are already waiting for them. Some of the other features which we wanted to include, mainly Flip-6, to some extent the network stack enhancements and the state decoupling still need some more time. Since these features are major changes to Flink's runtime, it would be in my opinion a good idea to cut a stable release with the above-mentioned feature set now and give the engine features a bit more time to ripen and be properly tested. Therefore, I would actually be in favour of aiming for a quick release meaning that we now concentrate mainly on fixing bugs and critical issues. Moreover, I'm optimistic that the delayed features will be completed soon such that we can deliver them with the next release. What do you think? [1] http://apache-flink-mailing-list-archive.1008284.n3.nabble.com/DISCUSS-Flink-1-4-and-time-based-release-td19331.html Cheers, Till