Hi Xingcan,

If you need to guarantee the order also in the case of procTime a trick that 
you can do is to set the working time of the env to processing time and to 
assign the proctime to the incoming stream. You can do this via 
.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new ...)
And override 
override def extractTimestamp(
      element: type...,
      previousElementTimestamp: Long): Long = {

Alternatively you can play around with the stream source and control the time 
when the events come

Dr. Radu Tudoran
Senior Research Engineer - Big Data Expert
IT R&D Division

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-----Original Message-----
From: fhue...@gmail.com [mailto:fhue...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 2:24 PM
To: Stefano Bortoli; dev@flink.apache.org
Subject: AW: Question about the process order in stream aggregate

Resending to dev@f.a.o

Hi Xingcan,

This is expected behavior. In general, is not possible to guarantee results for 
processing time.

Your query is translated as follows:

CollectionSrc(1) -round-robin-> MapFunc(n) -hash-part-> ProcessFunc(n) -fwd-> 
MapFunc(n) -fwd-> Sink(n)

The order of records is changed because of the connection between source and 
first map function. Here, records are distributed round robin to increase the 
parallelism from 1 to n. The parallel instances of map might forward the 
records in different order to the ProcessFunction that computes the 

Hope this helps,

Von: Stefano Bortoli
Gesendet: Dienstag, 11. April 2017 14:10
An: dev@flink.apache.org
Betreff: RE: Question about the process order in stream aggregate

Hi Xingcan,

Are you using parallelism 1 for the test?  procTime semantics deals with the 
objects as they loaded in the operators. It could be the co-occuring 
partitioned events (in the same MS time frame) are processed in parallel and 
then the output is produced in different order.

I suggest you to have a look at the integration test to verify that the 
configuration of your experiment is correct.


-----Original Message-----
From: Xingcan Cui [mailto:xingc...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 5:31 AM
To: dev@flink.apache.org
Subject: Question about the process order in stream aggregate

Hi all,

I run some tests for stream aggregation on rows. The data stream is simply 
registered as

val orderA: DataStream[Order] = env.fromCollection(Seq(
      Order(1L, "beer", 1),
      Order(2L, "diaper", 2),
      Order(3L, "diaper", 3),
      Order(4L, "rubber", 4)))
tEnv.registerDataStream("OrderA", orderA, 'user, 'product, 'amount),

and the SQL is defined as

select product, sum(amount) over (partition by product order by procTime() rows 
between unbounded preceding and current row from orderA).

My expected output should be

2> Result(beer,1)
2> Result(diaper,2)
1> Result(rubber,4)
2> Result(diaper,5).

However, sometimes I get the following output

2> Result(beer,1)
2> Result(diaper,3)
1> Result(rubber,4)
2> Result(diaper,5).

It seems that the row "Order(2L, "diaper", 2)" and "Order(3L, "diaper", 3)"
are out of order. Is that normal?

BTW, when I run `orderA.keyBy(2).map{x => x.amount + 1}.print()`, the order for 
them can always be preserved.


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