Hi all! We are making good headway with reworking the last parts of the Window API. After that, the streaming API should be good to be pulled out of staging.
Since we are reorganizing the projects as part of that, I would shift a bit more to bring things a bit more up to date. In this restructure, I would like to get rid of the "flink-staging" project. Anyone who only uses the maven artifacts sees no difference whether a project is in "staging" or not, so it does not help much to have that directory structure. On the other hand, projects have a tendency to linger in staging forever (like avro, spargel, hbase, jdbc, ...) The new structure could be flink-core flink-java flink-scala flink-streaming-core flink-streaming-scala flink-runtime flink-runtime-web flink-optimizer flink-clients flink-shaded -> flink-shaded-hadoop -> flink-shaded-hadoop2 -> flink-shaded-include-yarn-tests -> flink-shaded-curator flink-examples -> (have all examples, Scala and Java, Batch and Streaming) flink-batch-connectors -> flink-avro -> flink-jdbc -> flink-hadoop-compatibility -> flink-hbase -> flink-hcatalog flink-streaming-connectors -> flink-connector-twitter -> flink-streaming-examples -> flink-connector-flume -> flink-connector-kafka -> flink-connector-elasticsearch -> flink-connector-rabbitmq -> flink-connector-filesystem flink-libraries -> flink-gelly -> flink-gelly-scala -> flink-ml -> flink-table -> flink-language-binding -> flink-python flink-scala-shell flink-test-utils flink-tests flink-fs-tests flink-contrib -> flink-storm-compatibility -> flink-storm-compatibility-examples -> flink-streaming-utils -> flink-tweet-inputformat -> flink-operator-stats -> flink-tez flink-quickstart -> flink-quickstart-java -> flink-quickstart-scala -> flink-tez-quickstart flink-yarn flink-yarn-tests flink-dist flink-benchmark Let me know if that makes sense! Greetings, Stephan