Hello All, I am new to Flink community and am very excited about the project and work you all have been doing. Kudos!!
I was looking to pickup some starter task. Robert recommended to pick up https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-1711. Thanks Robert for your guidance. Sorry for a dumb question. I am done with code changes but my "mvn verify" failing only for the scala module as follows flink/flink-scala/src/main/scala/org/apache/flink/api/scala/joinDataSet.scala:77: error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition, [ERROR] both method checkNotNull in object Preconditions of type [T](x$1: T, x$2: String, x$3: <repeated...>[Object])T [ERROR] and method checkNotNull in object Preconditions of type [T](x$1: T, x$2: Any)T [ERROR] match argument types ((L, R) => O,String) [ERROR] Preconditions.checkNotNull(fun, "Join function must not be null.") Same error I see for all of the Scala classes I changed. Any pointers here will be very helpful for me to proceed further. Please let me know if you need more information. Thanks in advance for your help and support. Thanks, Lokesh