Hi Kevin

> > +     if (rte_config_init() != 0)
> > +             return -1;
> > +
> I'm confused, is this deliberate? there is now two rte_config_init()
> calls.

Please note that there are 2 eal.c files. One under linux and one under bsd
There is a copy of rte_config_init() in each.

> Aaron's comments on v4 about rte_eal_init_alert() are missed? and
> it's missing the clear once and error number like the other returns.

These comments were for code that I reverted to call panic again.
As Aaron pointed out, the partial treatment of v4 did not only not-improve
things, rather made them worst.
This code along with other panic instances thrown from within threads will
have a dedicated patchset.


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