> > -             if (cryptodev->data->dev_private == NULL)
> > -                     rte_panic("Cannot allocate memzone for private "
> > -                               "device data");
> > +             if (cryptodev->data->dev_private == NULL) {
> > +                     DPAA_SEC_ERR("%s() Cannot allocate memzone for
> private device data",
> > +                     __func__);
> > +                     return -ENOMEM;
> I'm not familiar with the code but there was a successful allocate
> already, so it seems you should jump to the cleanup section at the end
> of the function before returning.
> Hi Kevin,
The purpose of this patchset is not to offer a recoverable alternative for
rather allow the process to abort in an orderly manner.
It does not cover in this version all the panic instances on the init
Other than in places where it seemed straight forward I tend not to perform
in this patchset
partial resource release where panic was before.


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