Hi all,

I have tried to run the pipeline example with a ROUTING pipeline where I
configured n_arp_entries=8 as well as the arp_key_offset = 192.

It compiles perfectly but when it reaches the line where the
rte_pipeline_table_create is (see below a fragment of the source code of
the pipeline_routing_init function at pipeline_routing.be.cpp file) it
always crashes with a segmentation fault at the
rte_table_hash_create_key8_ext() function.

I am completely stuck due to this issue. Has some bug being declared
regarding this table creation function?

/* ARP table configuration */
    if (p_rt->params.n_arp_entries) {

        struct rte_table_hash_key8_ext_params table_arp_params;
        table_arp_params.n_entries = p_rt->params.n_arp_entries;
        table_arp_params.n_entries_ext = p_rt->params.n_arp_entries;
        table_arp_params.f_hash = hash_default_key8;
        table_arp_params.seed = 0;
        table_arp_params.signature_offset = 0; /* Unused */
        table_arp_params.key_offset = p_rt->params.arp_key_offset;

        struct rte_pipeline_table_params table_params = {
            .ops = &rte_table_hash_key8_ext_dosig_ops,
            .arg_create = &table_arp_params,
            .f_action_hit = get_arp_table_ah_hit(p_rt),
            .f_action_miss = NULL,
            .arg_ah = p_rt,
            .action_data_size = sizeof(struct arp_table_entry) -
                sizeof(struct rte_pipeline_table_entry),

        int status;

        status = rte_pipeline_table_create(p->p,

        if (status) {
            return NULL;




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