Signed-off-by: Ravi Kumar <>
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c  | 360 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h  |  35 ++++
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.c     |  27 +++
 drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.h     |   9 +
 drivers/crypto/ccp/rte_ccp_pmd.c |  64 ++++++-
 5 files changed, 488 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c
index 8bf4ce1..7ced435 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.c
@@ -201,3 +201,363 @@ ccp_set_session_parameters(struct ccp_session *sess,
        return ret;
+/* calculate CCP descriptors requirement */
+static inline int
+ccp_cipher_slot(struct ccp_session *session)
+       int count = 0;
+       switch (session->cipher.algo) {
+       default:
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported cipher algo %d",
+                           session->cipher.algo);
+       }
+       return count;
+static inline int
+ccp_auth_slot(struct ccp_session *session)
+       int count = 0;
+       switch (session->auth.algo) {
+       default:
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported auth algo %d",
+                           session->auth.algo);
+       }
+       return count;
+static int
+ccp_aead_slot(struct ccp_session *session)
+       int count = 0;
+       switch (session->aead_algo) {
+       default:
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported aead algo %d",
+                           session->aead_algo);
+       }
+       return count;
+ccp_compute_slot_count(struct ccp_session *session)
+       int count = 0;
+       switch (session->cmd_id) {
+       case CCP_CMD_CIPHER:
+               count = ccp_cipher_slot(session);
+               break;
+       case CCP_CMD_AUTH:
+               count = ccp_auth_slot(session);
+               break;
+       case CCP_CMD_CIPHER_HASH:
+       case CCP_CMD_HASH_CIPHER:
+               count = ccp_cipher_slot(session);
+               count += ccp_auth_slot(session);
+               break;
+       case CCP_CMD_COMBINED:
+               count = ccp_aead_slot(session);
+               break;
+       default:
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported cmd_id");
+       }
+       return count;
+static inline int
+ccp_crypto_cipher(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
+                 struct ccp_queue *cmd_q __rte_unused,
+                 struct ccp_batch_info *b_info __rte_unused)
+       int result = 0;
+       struct ccp_session *session;
+       session = (struct ccp_session *)get_session_private_data(
+                                        op->sym->session,
+                                        ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+       switch (session->cipher.algo) {
+       default:
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported cipher algo %d",
+                           session->cipher.algo);
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       }
+       return result;
+static inline int
+ccp_crypto_auth(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
+               struct ccp_queue *cmd_q __rte_unused,
+               struct ccp_batch_info *b_info __rte_unused)
+       int result = 0;
+       struct ccp_session *session;
+       session = (struct ccp_session *)get_session_private_data(
+                                        op->sym->session,
+                                       ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+       switch (session->auth.algo) {
+       default:
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported auth algo %d",
+                           session->auth.algo);
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       }
+       return result;
+static inline int
+ccp_crypto_aead(struct rte_crypto_op *op,
+               struct ccp_queue *cmd_q __rte_unused,
+               struct ccp_batch_info *b_info __rte_unused)
+       int result = 0;
+       struct ccp_session *session;
+       session = (struct ccp_session *)get_session_private_data(
+                                        op->sym->session,
+                                       ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+       switch (session->aead_algo) {
+       default:
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported aead algo %d",
+                           session->aead_algo);
+               return -ENOTSUP;
+       }
+       return result;
+process_ops_to_enqueue(const struct ccp_qp *qp,
+                      struct rte_crypto_op **op,
+                      struct ccp_queue *cmd_q,
+                      uint16_t nb_ops,
+                      int slots_req)
+       int i, result = 0;
+       struct ccp_batch_info *b_info;
+       struct ccp_session *session;
+       if (rte_mempool_get(qp->batch_mp, (void **)&b_info)) {
+               CCP_LOG_ERR("batch info allocation failed");
+               return 0;
+       }
+       /* populate batch info necessary for dequeue */
+       b_info->op_idx = 0;
+       b_info->lsb_buf_idx = 0;
+       b_info->desccnt = 0;
+       b_info->cmd_q = cmd_q;
+       b_info->lsb_buf_phys =
+               (phys_addr_t)rte_mem_virt2phy((void *)b_info->lsb_buf);
+       rte_atomic64_sub(&b_info->cmd_q->free_slots, slots_req);
+       b_info->head_offset = (uint32_t)(cmd_q->qbase_phys_addr + cmd_q->qidx *
+                                        Q_DESC_SIZE);
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_ops; i++) {
+               session = (struct ccp_session *)get_session_private_data(
+                                                op[i]->sym->session,
+                                                ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+               switch (session->cmd_id) {
+               case CCP_CMD_CIPHER:
+                       result = ccp_crypto_cipher(op[i], cmd_q, b_info);
+                       break;
+               case CCP_CMD_AUTH:
+                       result = ccp_crypto_auth(op[i], cmd_q, b_info);
+                       break;
+               case CCP_CMD_CIPHER_HASH:
+                       result = ccp_crypto_cipher(op[i], cmd_q, b_info);
+                       if (result)
+                               break;
+                       result = ccp_crypto_auth(op[i], cmd_q, b_info);
+                       break;
+               case CCP_CMD_HASH_CIPHER:
+                       result = ccp_crypto_auth(op[i], cmd_q, b_info);
+                       if (result)
+                               break;
+                       result = ccp_crypto_cipher(op[i], cmd_q, b_info);
+                       break;
+               case CCP_CMD_COMBINED:
+                       result = ccp_crypto_aead(op[i], cmd_q, b_info);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported cmd_id");
+                       result = -1;
+               }
+               if (unlikely(result < 0)) {
+                       rte_atomic64_add(&b_info->cmd_q->free_slots,
+                                        (slots_req - b_info->desccnt));
+                       break;
+               }
+               b_info->op[i] = op[i];
+       }
+       b_info->opcnt = i;
+       b_info->tail_offset = (uint32_t)(cmd_q->qbase_phys_addr + cmd_q->qidx *
+                                        Q_DESC_SIZE);
+       rte_wmb();
+       /* Write the new tail address back to the queue register */
+       CCP_WRITE_REG(cmd_q->reg_base, CMD_Q_TAIL_LO_BASE,
+                             b_info->tail_offset);
+       /* Turn the queue back on using our cached control register */
+       CCP_WRITE_REG(cmd_q->reg_base, CMD_Q_CONTROL_BASE,
+                             cmd_q->qcontrol | CMD_Q_RUN);
+       rte_ring_enqueue(qp->processed_pkts, (void *)b_info);
+       return i;
+static inline void ccp_auth_dq_prepare(struct rte_crypto_op *op)
+       struct ccp_session *session;
+       uint8_t *digest_data, *addr;
+       struct rte_mbuf *m_last;
+       int offset, digest_offset;
+       uint8_t digest_le[64];
+       session = (struct ccp_session *)get_session_private_data(
+                                        op->sym->session,
+                                       ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+       if (session->cmd_id == CCP_CMD_COMBINED) {
+               digest_data = op->sym->;
+               digest_offset = op->sym-> +
+                                       op->sym->;
+       } else {
+               digest_data = op->sym->;
+               digest_offset = op->sym-> +
+                                       op->sym->;
+       }
+       m_last = rte_pktmbuf_lastseg(op->sym->m_src);
+       addr = (uint8_t *)((char *)m_last->buf_addr + m_last->data_off +
+                          m_last->data_len - session->auth.ctx_len);
+       rte_mb();
+       offset = session->auth.offset;
+       if (session->auth.engine == CCP_ENGINE_SHA)
+               if ((session->auth.ut.sha_type != CCP_SHA_TYPE_1) &&
+                   (session->auth.ut.sha_type != CCP_SHA_TYPE_224) &&
+                   (session->auth.ut.sha_type != CCP_SHA_TYPE_256)) {
+                       /* All other algorithms require byte
+                        * swap done by host
+                        */
+                       unsigned int i;
+                       offset = session->auth.ctx_len -
+                               session->auth.offset - 1;
+                       for (i = 0; i < session->auth.digest_length; i++)
+                               digest_le[i] = addr[offset - i];
+                       offset = 0;
+                       addr = digest_le;
+               }
+       op->status = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+       if (session->auth.op == CCP_AUTH_OP_VERIFY) {
+               if (memcmp(addr + offset, digest_data,
+                          session->auth.digest_length) != 0)
+                       op->status = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_STATUS_AUTH_FAILED;
+       } else {
+               if (unlikely(digest_data == 0))
+                       digest_data = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(
+                                       op->sym->m_dst, uint8_t *,
+                                       digest_offset);
+               rte_memcpy(digest_data, addr + offset,
+                          session->auth.digest_length);
+       }
+       /* Trim area used for digest from mbuf. */
+       rte_pktmbuf_trim(op->sym->m_src,
+                        session->auth.ctx_len);
+static int
+ccp_prepare_ops(struct rte_crypto_op **op_d,
+               struct ccp_batch_info *b_info,
+               uint16_t nb_ops)
+       int i, min_ops;
+       struct ccp_session *session;
+       min_ops = RTE_MIN(nb_ops, b_info->opcnt);
+       for (i = 0; i < min_ops; i++) {
+               op_d[i] = b_info->op[b_info->op_idx++];
+               session = (struct ccp_session *)get_session_private_data(
+                                                op_d[i]->sym->session,
+                                               ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+               switch (session->cmd_id) {
+               case CCP_CMD_CIPHER:
+                       op_d[i]->status = RTE_CRYPTO_OP_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+                       break;
+               case CCP_CMD_AUTH:
+               case CCP_CMD_CIPHER_HASH:
+               case CCP_CMD_HASH_CIPHER:
+               case CCP_CMD_COMBINED:
+                       ccp_auth_dq_prepare(op_d[i]);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       CCP_LOG_ERR("Unsupported cmd_id");
+               }
+       }
+       b_info->opcnt -= min_ops;
+       return min_ops;
+process_ops_to_dequeue(struct ccp_qp *qp,
+                      struct rte_crypto_op **op,
+                      uint16_t nb_ops)
+       struct ccp_batch_info *b_info;
+       uint32_t cur_head_offset;
+       if (qp->b_info != NULL) {
+               b_info = qp->b_info;
+               if (unlikely(b_info->op_idx > 0))
+                       goto success;
+       } else if (rte_ring_dequeue(qp->processed_pkts,
+                                   (void **)&b_info))
+               return 0;
+       cur_head_offset = CCP_READ_REG(b_info->cmd_q->reg_base,
+                                      CMD_Q_HEAD_LO_BASE);
+       if (b_info->head_offset < b_info->tail_offset) {
+               if ((cur_head_offset >= b_info->head_offset) &&
+                   (cur_head_offset < b_info->tail_offset)) {
+                       qp->b_info = b_info;
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       } else {
+               if ((cur_head_offset >= b_info->head_offset) ||
+                   (cur_head_offset < b_info->tail_offset)) {
+                       qp->b_info = b_info;
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       }
+       nb_ops = ccp_prepare_ops(op, b_info, nb_ops);
+       rte_atomic64_add(&b_info->cmd_q->free_slots, b_info->desccnt);
+       b_info->desccnt = 0;
+       if (b_info->opcnt > 0) {
+               qp->b_info = b_info;
+       } else {
+               rte_mempool_put(qp->batch_mp, (void *)b_info);
+               qp->b_info = NULL;
+       }
+       return nb_ops;
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h
index 8d9de07..c2fce1d 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_crypto.h
@@ -238,4 +238,39 @@ struct ccp_qp;
 int ccp_set_session_parameters(struct ccp_session *sess,
                               const struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xform);
+ * Find count of slots
+ *
+ * @param session CCP private session
+ * @return count of free slots available
+ */
+int ccp_compute_slot_count(struct ccp_session *session);
+ * process crypto ops to be enqueued
+ *
+ * @param qp CCP crypto queue-pair
+ * @param op crypto ops table
+ * @param cmd_q CCP cmd queue
+ * @param nb_ops No. of ops to be submitted
+ * @return 0 on success otherwise -1
+ */
+int process_ops_to_enqueue(const struct ccp_qp *qp,
+                          struct rte_crypto_op **op,
+                          struct ccp_queue *cmd_q,
+                          uint16_t nb_ops,
+                          int slots_req);
+ * process crypto ops to be dequeued
+ *
+ * @param qp CCP crypto queue-pair
+ * @param op crypto ops table
+ * @param nb_ops requested no. of ops
+ * @return 0 on success otherwise -1
+ */
+int process_ops_to_dequeue(struct ccp_qp *qp,
+                          struct rte_crypto_op **op,
+                          uint16_t nb_ops);
 #endif /* _CCP_CRYPTO_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.c b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.c
index 546f0a7..2e702de 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.c
@@ -35,6 +35,33 @@ ccp_dev_start(struct rte_cryptodev *dev)
        return 0;
+struct ccp_queue *
+ccp_allot_queue(struct rte_cryptodev *cdev, int slot_req)
+       int i, ret = 0;
+       struct ccp_device *dev;
+       struct ccp_private *priv = cdev->data->dev_private;
+       dev = TAILQ_NEXT(priv->last_dev, next);
+       if (unlikely(dev == NULL))
+               dev = TAILQ_FIRST(&ccp_list);
+       priv->last_dev = dev;
+       if (dev->qidx >= dev->cmd_q_count)
+               dev->qidx = 0;
+       ret = rte_atomic64_read(&dev->cmd_q[dev->qidx].free_slots);
+       if (ret >= slot_req)
+               return &dev->cmd_q[dev->qidx];
+       for (i = 0; i < dev->cmd_q_count; i++) {
+               dev->qidx++;
+               if (dev->qidx >= dev->cmd_q_count)
+                       dev->qidx = 0;
+               ret = rte_atomic64_read(&dev->cmd_q[dev->qidx].free_slots);
+               if (ret >= slot_req)
+                       return &dev->cmd_q[dev->qidx];
+       }
+       return NULL;
 static const struct rte_memzone *
 ccp_queue_dma_zone_reserve(const char *queue_name,
                           uint32_t queue_size,
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.h b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.h
index d88f70c..abc788c 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.h
+++ b/drivers/crypto/ccp/ccp_dev.h
@@ -419,4 +419,13 @@ int ccp_dev_start(struct rte_cryptodev *dev);
 int ccp_probe_devices(const struct rte_pci_id *ccp_id);
+ * allocate a ccp command queue
+ *
+ * @dev rte crypto device
+ * @param slot_req number of required
+ * @return allotted CCP queue on success otherwise NULL
+ */
+struct ccp_queue *ccp_allot_queue(struct rte_cryptodev *dev, int slot_req);
 #endif /* _CCP_DEV_H_ */
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/ccp/rte_ccp_pmd.c b/drivers/crypto/ccp/rte_ccp_pmd.c
index ce64dbc..fd7d2d3 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/ccp/rte_ccp_pmd.c
+++ b/drivers/crypto/ccp/rte_ccp_pmd.c
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include <rte_dev.h>
 #include <rte_malloc.h>
+#include "ccp_crypto.h"
 #include "ccp_dev.h"
 #include "ccp_pmd_private.h"
@@ -21,23 +22,72 @@
 static unsigned int ccp_pmd_init_done;
 uint8_t ccp_cryptodev_driver_id;
+static struct ccp_session *
+get_ccp_session(struct ccp_qp *qp __rte_unused, struct rte_crypto_op *op)
+       struct ccp_session *sess = NULL;
+       if (op->sess_type == RTE_CRYPTO_OP_WITH_SESSION) {
+               if (unlikely(op->sym->session == NULL))
+                       return NULL;
+               sess = (struct ccp_session *)
+                       get_session_private_data(
+                               op->sym->session,
+                               ccp_cryptodev_driver_id);
+       }
+       return sess;
 static uint16_t
-ccp_pmd_enqueue_burst(void *queue_pair __rte_unused,
-                     struct rte_crypto_op **ops __rte_unused,
-                     uint16_t nb_ops __rte_unused)
+ccp_pmd_enqueue_burst(void *queue_pair, struct rte_crypto_op **ops,
+                     uint16_t nb_ops)
-       uint16_t enq_cnt = 0;
+       struct ccp_session *sess = NULL;
+       struct ccp_qp *qp = queue_pair;
+       struct ccp_queue *cmd_q;
+       struct rte_cryptodev *dev = qp->dev;
+       uint16_t i, enq_cnt = 0, slots_req = 0;
+       if (nb_ops == 0)
+               return 0;
+       if (unlikely(rte_ring_full(qp->processed_pkts) != 0))
+               return 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < nb_ops; i++) {
+               sess = get_ccp_session(qp, ops[i]);
+               if (unlikely(sess == NULL) && (i == 0)) {
+                       qp->qp_stats.enqueue_err_count++;
+                       return 0;
+               } else if (sess == NULL) {
+                       nb_ops = i;
+                       break;
+               }
+               slots_req += ccp_compute_slot_count(sess);
+       }
+       cmd_q = ccp_allot_queue(dev, slots_req);
+       if (unlikely(cmd_q == NULL))
+               return 0;
+       enq_cnt = process_ops_to_enqueue(qp, ops, cmd_q, nb_ops, slots_req);
+       qp->qp_stats.enqueued_count += enq_cnt;
        return enq_cnt;
 static uint16_t
-ccp_pmd_dequeue_burst(void *queue_pair __rte_unused,
-                     struct rte_crypto_op **ops __rte_unused,
-                     uint16_t nb_ops __rte_unused)
+ccp_pmd_dequeue_burst(void *queue_pair, struct rte_crypto_op **ops,
+               uint16_t nb_ops)
+       struct ccp_qp *qp = queue_pair;
        uint16_t nb_dequeued = 0;
+       nb_dequeued = process_ops_to_dequeue(qp, ops, nb_ops);
+       qp->qp_stats.dequeued_count += nb_dequeued;
        return nb_dequeued;

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