On 1/19/2018 7:52 AM, Thomas Monjalon Wrote:
17/01/2018 10:09, Thomas Monjalon:
17/01/2018 09:47, Jia He:
Hi Thomas
On 1/17/2018 4:24 PM, Thomas Monjalon Wrote:
17/01/2018 05:03, Jia He:
To support C11 memory model barrier, 2 options are suggested by Jerin:
1. use rte_smp_rmb
2. use load_acquire/store_release(refer to [1]).
CONFIG_RTE_RING_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL is provided, and by default it is "n"
on any architectures so far.
In previous patches, it was enabled for ARM.
You decided to not enable it at all?
Sorry, maybe I misunderstand your previous mail.
>This config option should be added in the common file (as disabled).
Do you mean CONFIG_RTE_RING_USE_C11_MEM_MODEL=n in comm_base and
"y" in armv8 config?
Yes, exactly
Please, could you send a v9?
This double license may be an issue.
Hemant, comment?
Ok, should I remove the double license info before Hemant's confirmation?