Your comments about split it totally make sense ,no doubt that, but my question 
is that if split api with the funcational , so the function part should be set 
null implement or stake. Any other good idea or tip for that. 

Best regards,
Jeff Guo

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Monjalon [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2018 7:45 PM
To: Guo, Jia <>
Cc: Mordechay Haimovsky <>;;; Richardson, Bruce <>; 
Yigit, Ferruh <>;; Ananyev, 
Konstantin <>;; Wu, Jingjing 
<>; Zhang, Helin <>; Van Haaren, 
Harry <>
Subject: Re: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v7 1/2] eal: add uevent monitor for hot plug

09/01/2018 12:39, Guo, Jia:
> So, how can separate the patch into more small patch, use stake or null 
> implement in function. I think we should consider if it is a economic way 
> now, if I could explain more detail in code for you all not very familiar the 
> background? I have sent v8, please check, thanks all. 

The v8 is not split enough.
Please try to address all my comments.

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