On 1/9/2018 7:38 PM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
09/01/2018 09:25, Guo, Jia:
On 1/9/2018 8:39 AM, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
+_rte_dev_callback_process(struct rte_device *device,
+ enum rte_eal_dev_event_type event,
+ void *cb_arg, void *ret_param)
cb_arg must be an opaque parameter which is registered with the
callback and passed later. No need as parameter of this function.
ret_param is not needed at all. The kernel event will be just
translated as rte_eal_dev_event_type (rte_dev_event after rename).
suggest hold one to let new param, such as device info, add by
ret_param, so cb_arg have set when register and no use anymore, delete it.
Sorry I don't understand. Please rephrase.
please see v8 part of it. i need ret_param to pass the device name by
the call back to the user.
--- a/lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_bus.h
+++ b/lib/librte_eal/common/include/rte_bus.h
+ * Device iterator to find a device on a bus.
+ *
+ * This function returns an rte_device if one of those held by the bus
+ * matches the data passed as parameter.
+ *
+ * If the comparison function returns zero this function should stop iterating
+ * over any more devices. To continue a search the device of a previous search
+ * can be passed via the start parameter.
+ *
+ * @param cmp
+ * the device name comparison function.
+ *
+ * @param data
+ * Data to compare each device against.
+ *
+ * @param start
+ * starting point for the iteration
+ *
+ * @return
+ * The first device matching the data, NULL if none exists.
+ */
+typedef struct rte_device *
+(*rte_bus_find_device_by_name_t)(const struct rte_device *start,
+ rte_dev_cmp_name_t cmp,
+ const void *data);
Why is it needed? There is already rte_bus_find_device_t.
because the rte_bus_find_device_t just find a device structure in the
device list, but here need to find a device structure by device name
which come from uevent info.
I don't understand how it is different?
Looking at the code, it is a copy/paste except it is dedicated
to name comparison.
You can remove rte_bus_find_device_by_name_t and provide a
comparison function which looks at name.
i mean that if the device have been remove and then insertion, the
device have not construct when just got the device name from the uevent
massage, so this case could i use the original find device function?
I suggest to drop this function which is just calling rte_dev_monitor_start.
more discuss, i suggest keep on it , let rte_dev_monitor_start
separately stay on the platform code and let user commonly call
Then you may need a disable function.
It will end up to be like start/stop.
I think it is just redundant.
If kept, please rename it to rte_dev_event_monitor_enable.
+ /* create the host thread to wait/handle the uevent from kernel */
+ ret = pthread_create(&uev_monitor_thread, NULL,
+ dev_uev_monitoring, NULL);
+ return ret;
I think you should use rte_service for thread management.
thanks for your info, such a good mechanism to use that i even not know
that before. i will study and use it.
OK, good.