While I am still going through RFC in details, inline are my inputs to
some of the points.
On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 10:34 PM, Trahe, Fiona <fiona.tr...@intel.com> wrote:
> With the vast amounts of data being transported around networks and stored in 
> storage systems, reducing data size is becoming ever more important. There 
> are both software libraries and hardware devices available that provide 
> compression, but no common API. This RFC proposes a compression API for DPDK 
> to address this need.
> Features:
> . Deflate Algorithm (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1951), other algorithms 
> can be added later.
> . Static and Dynamic Huffman encoding.
> . Compression levels
> . Checksum generation
> . Asynchronous burst API
> . Session-based. (for stateless a session may be useable across devices, for 
> stateful it wouldn't be.)
> Note 1: Split of functionality above/below API
> When considering whether features should be supported on the API or not, the 
> decision was based on the following:
> The purpose of the API is to decouple the application from the 
> compute-intensive functions needed for compression by abstracting them under 
> a common API. These can then be implemented by either hardware accelerators 
> or optimised software libraries. Where features are not compute-intensive and 
> unlikely to be offloaded or optimised, there's nothing to be gained by each 
> PMD having to separately implement them, and it makes more sense for them to 
> be done above the API. So the following are not handled on the API and can be 
> done above.
> . Prepending/appending protocol headers (gzip, zlib)
> . File-handling, breaking files up into packets, reassembling.
> . Synchronous API
> Note 2: Stateful compression.
> A better compression ratio can be achieved by using stateful compression, 
> allowing pattern matching across multiple sequential packets. This will be 
> supported on the API, but in the interests of getting an initial RFC out for 
> feedback, there are placeholder parameters on the API. Feedback welcome on 
> what parameters are needed for this feature.

We would like to see this as part of Specification. We will provide
more details on what we(cavium) require.

> Note 3: The tricky question of where the API belongs
> We considered
> 1. Extending cryptodev
> 2. New acceldev APIs for device handling + compressdev APIs for data path
> 3. New acceldev for all APIs
> 4. New compressdev API
> We're proposing option 4, here's why:
> 1. Extending cryptodev:
>     .  + Nice code re-use.
>     .  + Consistent with Linux kernel and BSD approaches.
>     .  - But not a good name.
>     .  - Would inevitably lead to some cryptodev API breakage - can be 
> minimised, but then looks hacky. E.g.
>             rte_cryptodev_info.max_nb_queue_pairs currently. Would need to 
> extend to
>             rte_cryptodev_info.max_nb_queue_pairs (Ideally rename this to 
> max_nb_sym_.... but that's an API breakage)
>             rte_cryptodev_info.max_nb_comp_queue_pairs
>             rte_cryptodev_info.max_nb_asym_queue_pairs
>           Similarly fn names, e.g. rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_setup.
>            Rename to rte_cryptodev_sym_queue_pair_setup, add _comp and _asym 
> fns? Or add parameter?
> 2. New acceldev APIs for device handling + compressdev APIs for data path:
>     ~70% of cryptodev code is device-handling which is common to all 
> accelerators.
>     Rather than providing new compressdev APIs, provide APIs which can be 
> used for compression
>     and also other accelerators, e.g. bbdev, FPGAs. Would look like 
> rte_acceldev_info_get(),
>     rte_acceldev_configure(), rte_compress_enqueue_burst(), etc
>     . + Nice future code re-use.
>     . + No cryptodev API breakage, though would be nice over time to move to 
> acceldev APIs for
>           cryptodev and deprecate cryptodev APIs.
>     . - acceldev either has to understand structs for all services with 
> resulting dependencies OR
>             it's independent with minimal type-checking, lots of void* and 
> casting.
>     . - potential API churn if services have different needs
>     . - usability - application has to sometimes use acceldev, sometimes 
> compressdev
> 3. New acceldev for all APIs:
>     . As 2 but with only the xforms and ops different for each service. All 
> APIs are rte_acceldev_....
>     . Similar pros/cons.
>     . - No flexibility for accelerators services to have service-specific 
> APIs. Services are more tightly coupled.
> 4. New compressdev API: (possibly with an acceldev under the hood)
>     . + Better name
>     . + Usability - rte_compdev_... for everything
>     . + No cryptodev API breakage
>     . + Flexibility to add any compression-specific APIs if needed.
>     . + Simpler, more decoupled code
>     . - More code duplication.
>           May in a later iteration implement an acceldev under the hood, for 
> code re-use, but
>           this is hidden from applications. Service APIs could pick and 
> choose whatever makes sense
>           from acceldev. POC on this in-progress, also awaiting Hemant 
> Agrawal's proposed
>           rte_raw_device RFC, which may fit the acceldev role.
> Note 4: Chaining of compression with other services.
>     Option 1 would make it easy to chain compression with sym crypto. Though 
> not with other non-crypto
>     operations if this is a future use-case. However it can be achieved with 
> any option, following the pattern
>     of rte_security API, so is not a factor in above decision.

We are in favor of solution #4. Apart from reasons as you stated,
nature of both operations are very different and it add lots of
complexity to both ends (crypto + compression) to co-exist with
different behavior.
However I would like to understand more about acceldev proposal? Is
there any document that I can see to understands its purpose?

> Code extracts below:
> diff --git a/lib/librte_compressdev/rte_comp.h 
> b/lib/librte_compressdev/rte_comp.h
> +/**
> + * @file rte_comp.h
> + *
> + * RTE definitions for Data Compression Service
> + *
> + */
> +
> +/** Compression Algorithms */
> +enum rte_comp_algorithm {
> +      RTE_COMP_NULL = 1,
> +      /**< NULL compression algorithm. */
> +      /**< DEFLATE compression algorithm
> +      * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1951 */
> +};
> +

We support LZS offload as well, need to extend with RTE_COMP_LZS.

> +
> +/** Compression checksum types */
> +enum rte_comp_checksum_type {
> +      RTE_COMP_NONE,
> +      /**< No checksum generated */
> +      RTE_COMP_CRC32,
> +      /**< Generates a CRC32 checksum, as used by gzip */
> +      RTE_COMP_ADLER32,
> +      /**< Generates an Adler-32 checksum, as used by zlib */
> +      RTE_COMP_CRC32_ADLER32,
> +      /**< Generates both Adler-32 and CRC32 checksums, concatenated.
> +      * CRC32 is in the lower 32bits, Adler-32 in the upper 32 bits.
> +      */
> +};
> +

In addition to these we support SHA1 and SHA256.
To incorporate these, we suggest the following:

enum rte_comp_integrity_algo {

> +
> +/** Compression Deflate Huffman Type */
> +enum rte_comp_huffman {
> +      /**< Static encoding */
> +      /**< Dynamic encoding */
> +};
> +

We would like to see a RTE_COMP_DEFAULT for situations where
application cannot make a choice. Also, To be more consistent to
naming and deflate RFC1951, should be renamed as RTE_COMP_FIXED and

> +/** Compression integrity check */
> +enum rte_comp_integrity_check {
> +      /**< No integrity check on output data */
> +      /**< Integrity check on output data. Only applies to compress 
> operation.
> +      * After compress operation done, decompress and verify it matches 
> original data.
> +      */

This looks more to me as diagnostic tool / test app.. It should be
part of an Application than a library

> +};
> +
> +enum rte_comp_flush_flag {
> +      /**< TODO */
> +      /**< TODO */
> +      /**< TODO */
> +};
> +

We need to add RTE_COMP_FLUSH_SYNC.
 Also, there could be some algorithms where these FLUSH type may not
be   relevant or not all may be supported , so what are PMD
expectations for such   case?

> +
> +/** Status of compression operation */
> +enum rte_comp_op_status {
> +      /**< Operation completed successfully */
> +      /**< Operation has not yet been processed by the device */
> +      /**< operation failed due to invalid session arguments */
> +      /**< Operation failed due to invalid arguments in request */
> +      /**< Error handling operation */

If I understand the purpose correctly then this indicates a
situation where output buffer exhausted during
So it should be renamed as RTE_COMP_OP_STATUS_OUT_OF_SPACE

> +      /**< Output buffer filled up before all data in input buffer was 
> consumed */

This could also arise where input buffer is fully consumed during
decompression. So comment can be more generic such as
“Output buffer exhausted during operation.”

> +      /**< Decompression after compression failed to regenerate original 
> data */

Believe it isn't needed to be part of Spec.

> +
> +      //Note:
> +      //QAT API has 19 error types.
> +      //ISA-l has 5 inflate and 6 deflate errors.
> +      //zlib has 6 errors
> +      //Propose only include common subset in status - only values where 
> appl should have different behaviour.
> +      //Add separate error field on op return which a PMD could populate 
> with PMD-specific debug info.

Probably should add RTE_COMP_OP_STATUS_INVALID_STATE in case an
API is invoked in invalid state.
Rest Subset looks self-contained.

> +};
> +
> +
> +/** Compression transform types */
> +enum rte_comp_xform_type {
> +      /**< Compression service - compress */
> +      /**< Compression service - decompress */
> +      /** Compression service - generate checksum */
> +};
> +

Enumeration may be renamed as rte_comp_op_type

> +/** Parameters specific to the deflate algorithm */
> +struct rte_comp_deflate_params {
> +      enum rte_comp_huffman huffman;
> +      /**< Compression huffman encoding type */
> +};
> +
> +/**
> + * Session Setup Data common to all compress transforms.
> + * Includes parameters common to stateless and stateful
> + */
> +struct rte_comp_compress_common_params {
> +      enum rte_comp_algorithm algo;
> +      /**< Algorithm to use for compress operation */
> +      union {
> +            struct rte_comp_deflate_params deflate;
> +            /**< Parameters specific to the deflate algorithm */
> +      }; /**< Algorithm specific parameters */
> +      uint8_t level;
> +      /**< Compression level
> +      * Range is 1-9, where 1 is fastest compression
> +      * but worst, i.e. highest, compression ratio.
> +      * Higher numbers may give better compression ratios and are likely 
> slower.
> +      * The number is interpreted by each PMD differently.
> +       */

Different implementations of same algo may have different levels
supported. So, we can add enum alongside this parameter such as:

enum rte_comp_compression_level {
/** Use PMD Default */
/** Fastest Compression */
/** Maximum level supported by compression PMD */

> +};
> +
> +/**
> + * Session Setup Data for stateful compress transform.
> + * Extra params for stateful transform
> + */
> +struct rte_comp_compress_stateful_params {
> +      //TODO : add extra params just needed for stateful, e.g.
> +      // history buffer size, window size, state, state buffers, etc...?

I will provide my comments on it in another email.

> +};
> +/* Session Setup Data for compress transform. */
> +struct rte_comp_compress_xform {
> +      struct rte_comp_compress_common_params cmn;
> +      struct rte_comp_compress_stateful_params stateful;
> +};
> +
> +/**
> + * Session Setup Data common to all decompress transforms.
> + * Includes parameters common to stateless and stateful
> + */
> +struct rte_comp_decompress_common_params {
> +      enum rte_comp_algorithm algo;
> +      /**< Algorithm to use for decompression */
> +};
> +/**
> + *  Session Setup Data for decompress transform.
> + * Extra params for stateful transform
> + */
> +struct rte_comp_decompress_stateful_params {
> +      //TODO : add extra params just needed for stateful, e.g.
> +      // history buffer size, window size, state, state buffers, etc...?
> +};
> +/* Session Setup Data for decompress transform. */
> +struct rte_comp_decompress_xform {
> +      struct rte_comp_decompress_common_params cmn;
> +      struct rte_comp_decompress_stateful_params stateful;
> +};
> +
> +/**
> + *  Generate checksum on uncompressed data.
> + * Applies to both compress and decompress operations. */
> +/* Session Setup Data for checksum transform. */
> +struct rte_comp_checksum_xform {
> +      enum rte_comp_checksum_type chksum_type;
> +      /**< This parameter determines the checksum type */
> +};
> +
> +
> +/**
> + * Compression transform structure.
> + *
> + * This is used to specify the compression transforms required, multiple 
> transforms
> + * can be chained together to specify a chain of transforms such as
> + * generate checksum, then compress. Each transform structure can
> + * hold a single transform, the type field is used to specify which transform
> + * is contained within the union.
> + * The supported combinations are:
> + *  - compress-only
> + *  - decompress-only
> + *  - generate checksum and compress input data
> + *  - decompress input data, generate checksum on output data
> + *
> + */
> +struct rte_comp_xform {
> +      struct rte_comp_xform *next;
> +      /**< next xform in chain */
> +      enum rte_comp_xform_type type;
> +      /**< xform type */
> +      union {
> +            struct rte_comp_compress_xform compress;
> +            /**< xform for compress operation */
> +            struct rte_comp_decompress_xform decompress;
> +            /**< xform for decompress operation */
> +            struct rte_comp_checksum_xform chksum;
> +            /**< xform to generate checksums */

We need compress+checksum(and decompress+checksum) as a single xform
instead of requiring 2 xforms. The use of xform chain will introduce
needless overhead for the most typical use-cases of comp+checksum(and

> +      };
> +};
> +
> +
> +struct rte_comp_session;
> +
> +/**
> + * Compression Operation.
> + *
> + * This structure contains data relating to performing a compression
> + * operation on the referenced mbuf data buffers.
> + *
> + * All compression operations are Out-of-place (OOP) operations,
> + * as the size of the output data is different to the size of the input data.
> + *
> + * Comp operations are enqueued and dequeued in comp PMDs using the
> + * rte_compdev_enqueue_burst() / rte_compdev_dequeue_burst() APIs
> + */
> +struct rte_comp_op {
> +      uint8_t status;
> +      /**<
> +      * operation status - use values from enum rte_comp_status.
> +      * This is reset to
> +      * RTE_COMP_OP_STATUS_NOT_PROCESSED on allocation from mempool and
> +      * will be set to RTE_COMP_OP_STATUS_SUCCESS after operation
> +      * is successfully processed by a PMD
> +      */
> +      uint16_t debug_status;
> +      /**<
> +      * Status of the operation is returned in the rte_crypto_op.
> +      * This field allows the PMD to pass back extra
> +      * pmd-specific debug information. Value is not defined on the API.
> +      */
> +      struct rte_comp_session *session;
> +      /**< Handle for the initialised session context */
> +      struct rte_mempool *mempool;
> +      /**< mempool from which operation is allocated */
> +      phys_addr_t phys_addr;
> +      /**< physical address of this operation */
> +
> +      struct rte_mbuf *m_src;   /**< source mbuf */
> +      struct rte_mbuf *m_dst;   /**< destination mbuf */
> +
> +      struct {
> +            uint32_t offset;
> +            /**< Starting point for compression or decompression,
> +            * specified as number of bytes from start of packet in
> +            * source buffer.
> +            * Starting point for checksum generation in compress direction.
> +            */
> +            uint32_t length;
> +            /**< The length, in bytes, of the data in source buffer
> +            * to be compressed or decompressed.
> +            * Also the length of the data over which the checksum
> +            * should be generated in compress direction
> +            */
> +      } src;
> +      struct {
> +            uint32_t offset;
> +            /**< Starting point for writing output data, specified as
> +            * number of bytes from start of packet in m_dst
> +            * buffer. Starting point for checksum generation in
> +            * decompress direction.
> +            */
> +      } dst;
> +      enum rte_comp_flush_flag flush_flag;
> +      /**< defines flush characteristics for the output data.
> +      * Only applicable in compress direction.
> +      */
> +      enum rte_comp_integrity_check verify;
> +      /**< Specifies if the output data should be verified.
> +        Only applicable in compress direction.
> +      */

Again, believe we can get away with this by moving to application.


> +      uint64_t input_chksum;
> +      /**< An input checksum can be provided to generate a
> +      * cumulative checksum across sequential blocks.
> +      * Checksum type is as specified in chksum_type in xform.
> +      */
> +      uint64_t output_chksum;
> +      /**< If a checksum is generated it will be written in here.
> +      * Checksum type is as specified in chksum_type in xform.
> +      */
> +      uint32_t consumed;
> +      /**< The number of bytes from the source buffer
> +      * which were compressed/decompressed.
> +      */
> +      uint32_t produced;
> +      /**< The number of bytes written to the destination buffer
> +      * which were compressed/decompressed.
> +      */
> +      /*
> +      TODO - Are any extra params needed on stateful op or are all in xform?
> +      rte_comp_op_common_params/_stateful_params?
> +      extra values apply to flush flag
> +      */
> +};
> +
> +
> + int
> + rte_compdev_configure(uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_compdev_config *config);
> + int
> + rte_compdev_start(uint8_t dev_id);
> + void
> + rte_compdev_stop(uint8_t dev_id);
> /* etc...Rest of APIs follow same pattern, similar to cryptodev, stripped 
> from RFC for simplicity. */
> +/**
> + * Compression supported feature flags
> + *
> + * Note:
> + * New features flags should be added to the end of the list
> + *
> + * Keep these flags synchronised with rte_compdev_get_comp_feature_name()
> + * Note: bit numbers here are same as on cryptodev, hence the gaps.
> + * This is an implementation detail which may change.
> + */
> + #define       RTE_COMPDEV_FF_CPU_SSE          (1ULL << 3)
> + /**< Utilises CPU SIMD SSE instructions */
> + #define       RTE_COMPDEV_FF_CPU_AVX          (1ULL << 4)
> + /**< Utilises CPU SIMD AVX instructions */
> + #define       RTE_COMPDEV_FF_CPU_AVX2         (1ULL << 5)
> + /**< Utilises CPU SIMD AVX2 instructions */
> + #define       RTE_COMPDEV_FF_HW_ACCELERATED           (1ULL << 7)
> + /**< Operations are off-loaded to an external hardware accelerator */
> + #define       RTE_COMPDEV_FF_CPU_AVX512               (1ULL << 8)
> + /**< Utilises CPU SIMD AVX512 instructions */
> + #define       RTE_COMPDEV_FF_CPU_NEON                        (1ULL << 10)
> + /**< Utilises CPU NEON instructions */
> + #define       RTE_COMPDEV_FF_CPU_ARM_CE               (1ULL << 11)
> + /**< Utilises ARM CPU Cryptographic Extensions */
> +
> + #define     RTE_COMP_FF_MBUF_SCATTER_GATHER                    (1ULL << 12)
> + /**< Scatter-gather mbufs are supported */
> + #define     RTE_COMP_FF_STATEFUL                                            
>      (1ULL << 13)
> + /**< Stateful compression is supported */
> + #define     RTE_COMPDEV_FF_MULTI_PKT_CHECKSUM               (1ULL << 14)
> + /**< Generation of checksum across multiple packets is supported */
> +
> +
> +
> +/**  Compression device information */
> +struct rte_compdev_info {
> +      const char *driver_name;  /**< Driver name. */
> +      uint8_t driver_id;               /**< Driver identifier */
> +      struct rte_device *dev;          /**< Device information. */
> +
> +      uint64_t feature_flags;
> +      /**< device feature flags */
> +     const struct rte_comp_capabilities *capabilities;
> +      /**< Array of devices capabilities */
> +      unsigned max_nb_queue_pairs;
> +      /**< Maximum number of queues pairs supported by device. */
> +      unsigned max_nb_sessions;
> +      /**< Maximum number of sessions supported by device. */
> +      unsigned int max_nb_sessions_per_qp;
> +      /**< Maximum number of sessions per queue pair.
> +      * Default 0 for infinite sessions
> +      */
> +      /* TODO uint8_t needs_intermediate_buffer OR should this be a feature 
> flag? Or not necessary? */
> +};
> +
> +
> +/** Compression device statistics */
> +struct rte_compdev_stats {
> +      uint64_t enqueued_count;
> +      /**< Count of all operations enqueued */
> +      uint64_t dequeued_count;
> +      /**< Count of all operations dequeued */
> +
> +      uint64_t enqueue_err_count;
> +      /**< Total error count on operations enqueued */
> +      uint64_t dequeue_err_count;
> +      /**< Total error count on operations dequeued */
> +};
> +
> +
> +/** Compression device configuration structure */
> +struct rte_compdev_config {
> +      int socket_id;
> +      /**< Socket to allocate resources on */
> +      uint16_t nb_queue_pairs;
> +      /**< Total number of queue pairs to configure on a device. */
> +      uint32_t comp_intermediate_buf_size;
> +     /**< For deflate algorithm HW accelerators usually need to allocate
> +      * a pool of intermediate buffers for dynamic compression.
> +      * This indicates the buffer size and should be
> +      * set a little larger than the expected max source buffer size.
> +      * if the output of static compression doesn't fit in the
> +      * intermediate buffer dynamic compression may not be possible,
> +      * in this case the accelerator may revert back to static compression.
> +      */
> +};
> +
> +
> +/** Compression device queue pair configuration structure. */
> +struct rte_compdev_qp_conf {
> +      uint32_t nb_descriptors; /**< Number of descriptors per queue pair */
> +};
> +
> +
> +typedef uint16_t (*dequeue_pkt_burst_t)(void *qp,
> +            struct rte_comp_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops);
> +/**< Dequeue processed packets from queue pair of a device. */
> +
> +typedef uint16_t (*enqueue_pkt_burst_t)(void *qp,
> +            struct rte_comp_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops);
> +/**< Enqueue packets for processing on queue pair of a device. */
> +
> +
> +
> +/** The data structure associated with each compression device. */
> +struct rte_compdev {
> +
> +      dequeue_pkt_burst_t dequeue_burst;
> +      /**< Pointer to PMD receive function. */
> +      enqueue_pkt_burst_t enqueue_burst;
> +      /**< Pointer to PMD transmit function. */
> +
> +      struct rte_compdev_data *data;
> +      /**< Pointer to device data */
> +      struct rte_compdev_ops *dev_ops;
> +      /**< Functions exported by PMD */
> +      uint64_t feature_flags;
> +      /**< Supported features */
> +
> +     struct rte_device *device;
> +      /**< Backing device */
> +
> +      uint8_t driver_id;
> +      /**< driver identifier*/
> +
> +      uint8_t attached : 1;
> +      /**< Flag indicating the device is attached */
> +
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + *
> + * The data part, with no function pointers, associated with each device.
> + *
> + * This structure is safe to place in shared memory to be common among
> + * different processes in a multi-process configuration.
> + */
> +struct rte_compdev_data {
> +      uint8_t dev_id;
> +      /**< Device ID for this instance */
> +      uint8_t socket_id;
> +      /**< Socket ID where memory is allocated */
> +      char name[RTE_COMPDEV_NAME_MAX_LEN];
> +      /**< Unique identifier name */
> +
> +      uint8_t dev_started : 1;
> +      /**< Device state: STARTED(1)/STOPPED(0) */
> +
> +      void **queue_pairs;
> +      /**< Array of pointers to queue pairs. */
> +      uint16_t nb_queue_pairs;
> +      /**< Number of device queue pairs. */
> +
> +      void *dev_private;
> +      /**< PMD-specific private data */
> +}
> +
> +
> +/**
> + *
> + * Dequeue a burst of processed compression operations from a queue on the
> + * device. The dequeued operation are stored in *rte_comp_op* structures
> + * whose pointers are supplied in the *ops* array.
> + *
> + * The rte_compdev_dequeue_burst() function returns the number of ops
> + * actually dequeued, which is the number of *rte_comp_op* data structures
> + * effectively supplied into the *ops* array.
> + *
> + * A return value equal to *nb_ops* indicates that the queue contained
> + * at least *nb_ops* operations, and this is likely to signify that other
> + * processed operations remain in the devices output queue. Applications
> + * implementing a "retrieve as many processed operations as possible" policy
> + * can check this specific case and keep invoking the
> + * rte_compdev_dequeue_burst() function until a value less than
> + * *nb_ops* is returned.
> + *
> + * The rte_compdev_dequeue_burst() function does not provide any error
> + * notification to avoid the corresponding overhead.
> + *
> + * @param   dev_id       The compression device identifier
> + * @param   qp_id        The index of the queue pair from which to
> + *                       retrieve processed packets. The value must be
> + *                       in the range [0, nb_queue_pair - 1] previously
> + *                       supplied to rte_compdev_configure().
> + * @param   ops          The address of an array of pointers to
> + *                       *rte_comp_op* structures that must be
> + *                       large enough to store *nb_ops* pointers in it.
> + * @param   nb_ops       The maximum number of operations to dequeue.
> + *
> + * @return
> + *   - The number of operations actually dequeued, which is the number
> + *   of pointers to *rte_comp_op* structures effectively supplied to the
> + *   *ops* array.
> + */
> +static inline uint16_t
> +rte_compdev_dequeue_burst(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id,
> +            struct rte_comp_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops)
> +{
> +      struct rte_compdev *dev = &rte_compdevs[dev_id];
> +
> +      nb_ops = (*dev->dequeue_burst)
> +                   (dev->data->queue_pairs[qp_id], ops, nb_ops);
> +
> +      return nb_ops;
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * Enqueue a burst of operations for processing on a compression device.
> + *
> + * The rte_compdev_enqueue_burst() function is invoked to place
> + * comp operations on the queue *qp_id* of the device designated by
> + * its *dev_id*.
> + *
> + * The *nb_ops* parameter is the number of operations to process which are
> + * supplied in the *ops* array of *rte_comp_op* structures.
> + *
> + * The rte_compdev_enqueue_burst() function returns the number of
> + * operations it actually enqueued for processing. A return value equal to
> + * *nb_ops* means that all packets have been enqueued.
> + *
> + * @param   dev_id       The identifier of the device.
> + * @param   qp_id        The index of the queue pair which packets are
> + *                       to be enqueued for processing. The value
> + *                       must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1]
> + *                       previously supplied to
> + *                       *rte_compdev_configure*.
> + * @param   ops          The address of an array of *nb_ops* pointers
> + *                       to *rte_comp_op* structures which contain
> + *                       the operations to be processed.
> + * @param   nb_ops       The number of operations to process.
> + *
> + * @return
> + * The number of operations actually enqueued on the device. The return
> + * value can be less than the value of the *nb_ops* parameter when the
> + * device's queue is full or if invalid parameters are specified in
> + * a *rte_comp_op*.
> + */
> +static inline uint16_t
> +rte_compdev_enqueue_burst(uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id,
> +            struct rte_comp_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops)
> +{
> +      struct rte_compdev *dev = &rte_cryptodevs[dev_id];
> +
> +      return (*dev->enqueue_burst)(
> +                   dev->data->queue_pairs[qp_id], ops, nb_ops);
> +}
> +
> /* All session APIs stripped from RFC for simplicity. */
> +/** compression device operations function pointer table */
> +struct rte_compdev_ops {
> +      compdev_configure_t dev_configure;    /**< Configure device. */
> +      compdev_start_t dev_start;            /**< Start device. */
> +      compdev_stop_t dev_stop;        /**< Stop device. */
> +      compdev_close_t dev_close;            /**< Close device. */
> +
> +      compdev_info_get_t dev_infos_get;     /**< Get device info. */
> +
> +      compdev_stats_get_t stats_get;
> +      /**< Get device statistics. */
> +      compdev_stats_reset_t stats_reset;
> +      /**< Reset device statistics. */
> +
> +      compdev_queue_pair_setup_t queue_pair_setup;
> +      /**< Set up a device queue pair. */
> +      compdev_queue_pair_release_t queue_pair_release;
> +      /**< Release a queue pair. */
> +      compdev_queue_pair_start_t queue_pair_start;
> +      /**< Start a queue pair. */
> +      compdev_queue_pair_stop_t queue_pair_stop;
> +      /**< Stop a queue pair. */
> +      compdev_queue_pair_count_t queue_pair_count;
> +      /**< Get count of the queue pairs. */
> +
> +      comp_get_session_private_size_t session_get_size;
> +      /**< Return private session. */
> +      comp_configure_session_t session_configure;
> +      /**< Configure a comp session. */
> +      comp_free_session_t session_clear;
> +      /**< Clear a comp sessions private data. */
> +      comp_queue_pair_attach_session_t qp_attach_session;
> +      /**< Attach session to queue pair. */
> +      comp_queue_pair_attach_session_t qp_detach_session;
> +      /**< Detach session from queue pair. */
> +};

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