From: Dave Neary <> Hi everyone,
We are pleased to announce the Call for Participation in the FOSDEM 2018 Software Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization DevRoom! Important dates: * Nov 16: Deadline for submissions * Dec 1: Speakers notified of acceptance * Dec 5: Schedule published This year, as it has for the past two years, the DevRoom topics will cover two distinct fields: * Software Defined Networking (SDN), covering virtual switching, open source SDN controllers, virtual routing * Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), covering open source network functions, NFV management and orchestration tools, and topics related to the creation of an open source NFV platform We are now inviting proposals for talks about Free/Libre/Open Source Software on the topics of SDN and NFV. This is an exciting and growing field, and FOSDEM gives an opportunity to reach a unique audience of very knowledgeable and highly technical free and open source software activists. This year, the DevRoom will focus on the emergence of cloud native Virtual Network Functions, and the management and performance requirements of those applications, in addition to our traditional focus on high performance packet processing. A representative, but not exhaustive, list of the projects and topics we would like to see on the schedule are: * Low-level networking and switching: IOvisor, eBPF, XDP,, Open vSwitch, OpenDataplane, Free Range Routing, ... * SDN controllers and overlay networking: OpenStack Neutron, Calico, OpenDaylight, ONOS, Plumgrid, OVN, OpenContrail, Midonet, ... * NFV Management and Orchestration: ONAP, ManageIQ, Juju, OpenBaton, Tacker, OSM, network management,, ... * NFV related features: Service Assurance, enforcement of Quality of Service, Service Function Chaining, fault management, dataplane acceleration, security, ... Talks should be aimed at a technical audience, but should not assume that attendees are already familiar with your project or how it solves a general problem. Talk proposals can be very specific solutions to a problem, or can be higher level project overviews for lesser known projects. Please include the following information when submitting a proposal: Your name The title of your talk (please be descriptive, as titles will be listed with around 250 from other projects) Short abstract of one or two paragraphs Short bio (with photo) The deadline for submissions is November 16th 2017. FOSDEM will be held on the weekend of February 3-4, 2018 and the SDN/NFV DevRoom will take place on Saturday, February 3, 2017. Please use the following website to submit your proposals: (you do not need to create a new Pentabarf account if you already have one from past years). You can also join the devroom’s mailing list, which is the official communication channel for the DevRoom: (subscription page: – The Networking DevRoom 2018 Organization Team