On 10/7/2017 8:45 AM, Jiayu Hu wrote:
> The GRO library provides two modes to reassemble packets. Currently, the
> csum forwarding engine has supported to use the lightweight mode to
> reassemble TCP/IPv4 packets. This patch introduces the heavyweight mode
> for TCP/IPv4 GRO in the csum forwarding engine.
> With the command "set port <port_id> gro on|off", users can enable
> TCP/IPv4 GRO for a given port. With the command "set gro flush <cycles>",
> users can determine when the GROed TCP/IPv4 packets are flushed from
> reassembly tables. With the command "show port <port_id> gro", users can
> display GRO configuration.
> The GRO library doesn't re-calculate checksums for merged packets. If
> users want the merged packets to have correct IP and TCP checksums,
> please select HW IP checksum calculation and HW TCP checksum calculation
> for the port which the merged packets are transmitted to.
> Signed-off-by: Jiayu Hu <jiayu...@intel.com>
> Reviewed-by: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yi...@intel.com>
> Tested-by: Yao Lei <lei.a....@intel.com>

Applied to dpdk-next-net/master, thanks.

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