On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 02:49:52PM +0000, Shachar Beiser wrote:
> This removes the dependency on specific Mellanox OFED libraries by
> using the upstream rdma-core and linux upstream community code.
> Both rdma-core upstream and Mellanox OFED are Linux user-space packages:
>   1. Rdma-core is Linux upstream user-space package.(Generic)
>   2. Mellanox OFED is Mellanox's Linux user-space package.(Proprietary)
> The difference between the two are the APIs towards the kernel.
> ---
> a. Compile with rdma-core commit f11292efd541 ("Merge pull request #202")
> b. Tested with linux kernel 4.13-rc4
> c. For performance testing recommended to wait till kernel 4.14
> Signed-off-by: Shachar Beiser <shacha...@mellanox.com>
Acked-by: Nelio Laranjeiro <nelio.laranje...@6wind.com>

Nélio Laranjeiro

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