14/09/2017 11:03, Bruce Richardson:
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 10:22:23AM +0200, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
> > 14/09/2017 04:25, Stephen Hemminger:
> > > Bisecting a tree with lots of subtree merges is terrible. That is why 
> > > Linus
> > > rebases and doesn't directly take linux-next
> > 
> > I agree, bisecting with subtree merges is not pleasant at all.
> > That's why I chose the rebase method until now.
> > 
> > Adrien mentioned some drawbacks with the rebase method.
> > Ferruh mentioned some drawbacks and some advantages of rebase.
> > Stephen mentioned another advantage of rebase.
> > Such decisions are really difficult.
> > One thing is sure: there will be always someone unhappy,
> > no matter the decision :)
> > 
> > When we want to take such decision or re-consider it,
> > we ask the techboard to vote...
> I'm not sure the techboard needs to vote on this, this is an issue for
> the tree maintainers/committers is it not? If you do want techboard
> input on this, I suggest the committers come to an agreement among
> themselves, with community input, and then just look for tech board to
> ratify it.

No, it is an issue for everybody.
Rebase makes tracking of subtrees difficult for developpers.
Merge makes reading and bisecting difficult for developpers.
We cannot have an agreement in the community because both arguments
are valid.

I add that merge can slow down subtree integration if a change is needed.
>From my point of view, it is OK as it is currently.

It is maybe as difficult as choosing between vim and emacs ;)
(although it seems crazy to use emacs)

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