Hi all,

Another approach that I'd like to put out for consideration is as follows:

Let's say we introduce one flag per lcore - multi_pendlists.  This flag 
indicates whether that lcore supports multiple pending lists (one per source 
lcore) or not, and by default it's set to false.

At rte_timer_subsystem_init() time, each lcore will be configured to use a 
single pending list per lcore (rather than multiple).

A new API, rte_timer_subsystem_set_multi_pendlists(unsigned lcore_Id), can be 
called to enable multi_pendlists for a particular lcore.  It should be called 
after rte_timer_subsystem_init(), and before any timers are started for that 

When timers are started for a particular lcore, that lcore's multi_pendlists 
flag will be inspected to determine whether it should go into a single list, or 
one of several lists.

When an lcore processes its timers with rte_timer_manage(), it will look at the 
multi_pendlists flag, and if it is false, only process a single list.  This 
should bring the overhead nearly back down to what it was originally.  And if 
multi_pendlists is true, it will break out the runlists from multiple pending 
lists in sequence and process them, as in the current patch.
Thoughts or comments?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ananyev, Konstantin
> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 5:57 AM
> To: Carrillo, Erik G <erik.g.carri...@intel.com>; rsanf...@akamai.com
> Cc: dev@dpdk.org
> Subject: RE: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v2 1/3] timer: add per-installer pending lists
> for each lcore
> Hi Gabriel,
> >
> > Instead of each priv_timer struct containing a single skiplist, this
> > commit adds a skiplist for each enabled lcore to priv_timer. In the
> > case that multiple lcores repeatedly install timers on the same target
> > lcore, this change reduces lock contention for the target lcore's
> > skiplists and increases performance.
> I am not an rte_timer expert, but there is one thing that worries me:
> It seems that complexity of timer_manage() has increased with that patch
> quite a bit:
> now  it has to check/process up to RTE_MAX_LCORE skiplists instead of one,
> also it has to somehow to properly sort up to RTE_MAX_LCORE lists of
> retrieved (ready to run) timers.
> Wouldn't all that affect it's running time?
> I understand your intention to reduce lock contention, but I suppose at least
> it could be done in a configurable way.
> Let say allow user to specify  dimension of pending_lists[] at init phase or 
> so.
> Then timer from lcore_id=N will endup in
> pending_lists[N%RTE_DIM(pendilng_list)].
> Another thought - might be better to divide pending timers list not by client
> (lcore) id, but by expiration time - some analog of  timer wheel or so.
> That, I think might greatly decrease the probability that timer_manage() and
> timer_add() will try to access the same list.
> From other side timer_manage() still would have to consume skip-lists one
> by one.
> Though I suppose that's quite radical change from what we have right now.
> Konstantin

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