Works fine on ThunderX and does not brake Intel either.
Reviewed-by: Andriy Berestovskyy <>
Tested-by: Andriy Berestovskyy <>
On 28.04.2017 13:58, Thomas Monjalon wrote:
Andriy, please would you like to review this patch?
28/04/2017 12:34, Gowrishankar:
From: Gowrishankar Muthukrishnan <>
Current usertools/ is broken to handle multithreads of count more
than 2 as in IBM powerpc P8 servers. Below patch addressed this issue. Also,
added minor exception catch on failing to open unavailable sys file in case of
multithread=off configuration in server.
Patch has been verified not to break existing topology configurations
and also not changing anything in current output.
Signed-off-by: Gowrishankar Muthukrishnan <>
usertools/ | 12 ++++++++++--
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/usertools/ b/usertools/
index 5735891..99152a2 100755
--- a/usertools/
+++ b/usertools/
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
for cpu in xrange(max_cpus + 1):
fd = open("{}/cpu{}/topology/core_id".format(base_path, cpu))
+ except IOError:
+ continue
core = int(
@@ -70,7 +72,10 @@
max_processor_len = len(str(len(cores) * len(sockets) * 2 - 1))
-max_core_map_len = max_processor_len * 2 + len('[, ]') + len('Socket ')
+max_thread_count = len(core_map.values()[0])
+max_core_map_len = (max_processor_len * max_thread_count) \
+ + len(", ") * (max_thread_count - 1) \
+ + len('[]') + len('Socket ')
max_core_id_len = len(str(max(cores)))
output = " ".ljust(max_core_id_len + len('Core '))
@@ -87,5 +92,8 @@
for c in cores:
output = "Core %s" % str(c).ljust(max_core_id_len)
for s in sockets:
- output += " " + str(core_map[(s, c)]).ljust(max_core_map_len)
+ if core_map.has_key((s,c)):
+ output += " " + str(core_map[(s, c)]).ljust(max_core_map_len)
+ else:
+ output += " " * (max_core_map_len + 1)