> From: Kozak, KubaX
> Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 3:59 PM
> To: dev@dpdk.org
> Cc: Van Haaren, Harry <harry.van.haa...@intel.com>; Jain, Deepak K 
> <deepak.k.j...@intel.com>;
> Kozak, KubaX <kubax.ko...@intel.com>
> Subject: [PATCH v6 0/5] Extended xstats API in ethdev library to allow 
> grouping of stats
> Extended xstats API in ethdev library to allow grouping of stats logically
> so they can be retrieved per logical grouping  managed by the application.
> Changed existing functions rte_eth_xstats_get_names and rte_eth_xstats_get
> to use a new list of arguments: array of ids and array of values.
> ABI versioning mechanism was used to support backward compatibility.
> Introduced two new functions rte_eth_xstats_get_all and
> rte_eth_xstats_get_names_all which keeps functionality of the previous
> ones (respectively rte_eth_xstats_get and rte_eth_xstats_get_names)
> but use new API inside. Both functions marked as deprecated.
> Introduced new function: rte_eth_xstats_get_id_by_name to retrieve
> xstats ids by its names.
> Extended functionality of proc_info application:
> --xstats-name NAME: to display single xstat value by NAME
> Updated test-pmd application to use new API.
> v6 changes:
> * patches arrangement in patchset
> * fixes spelling bugs
> * release notes
> v5 changes:
> * fix clang shared build compilation
> * remove wrong versioning macros
> * Makefile LIBABIVER 6 change
> v4 changes:
> * documentation change after API modification
> * fix xstats display for PMD without _by_ids() functions
> * fix ABI validator errors
> v3 changes:
> * checkpatch fixes
> * removed malloc bug in ethdev
> * add new command to proc_info and IDs parsing
> * merged testpmd and proc_info patch with library patch

Please keep Acks when only re-arranging patches and changes.

I'll re-Ack the patches on patchwork now :)

Thanks, -Harry

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