> From: Vincent JARDIN [mailto:vincent.jar...@6wind.com]
> Le 15/03/2017 à 11:55, Thomas Monjalon a écrit :
> >> I'd suggest that this is a good topic for the next Tech Board
> meeting.
> > I agree Tim.
> > CC'ing techboard to add this item to the agenda of the next meeting.
> Frankly, I disagree, it is missing some discussions on the list.

I think the discussion on the mailing list is at an impasse and it won't be 
resolved there. I think the Tech Board needs to consider several issues:
- What are the requirements for a new PMD to be accepted? For example, you're 
asking for performance data in this case, when this hasn't been a requirement 
for other PMDs.
- Should there be different requirements for PMDs for virtual devices versus 
physical devices?
- Based on these criteria, should the AVP PMD be accepted or not?

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