On 2/25/2017 9:59 PM, Shrikrishna Khare wrote:
> In vmxnet3 version 3, the emulation added support for the vmxnet3 driver
> to communicate information about the memory regions the driver will use
> for rx/tx buffers. The driver can also indicate which rx/tx queue the
> memory region is applicable for. If this information is communicated
> to the emulation, the emulation will always keep these memory regions
> mapped, thereby avoiding the mapping/unmapping overhead for every packet.
> Signed-off-by: Shrikrishna Khare <skh...@vmware.com>
> Signed-off-by: Guolin Yang <gy...@vmware.com>
> Acked-by: Yong Wang <yongw...@vmware.com>
> Acked-by: Jin Heo <h...@vmware.com>


> +             PMD_INIT_LOG(INFO,
> +                          "index: %u startPA: %lu  length: %u, rxBits: %x",
> +                          j, mr->startPA, mr->length, mr->rxQueueBits);
> +             j++;
> +     }
> +     hw->memRegs->numRegs = j;
> +     PMD_INIT_LOG("numRegs: %u", j);

Macro argument is not correct, causing following build error:

.../drivers/net/vmxnet3/vmxnet3_ethdev.c:568:2: error: pasting formed
'RTE_LOG_"numRegs: %u"', an invalid preprocessing token
        PMD_INIT_LOG("numRegs: %u", j);

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