In order to make the NIC overview easier to read
the row and column pointed by the mouse are highlighted.

Thomas Monjalon (3):
  doc: set alignments in NIC overview table
  doc: highlight pointed row in NIC overview table
  doc: highlight pointed column in NIC overview table

 doc/guides/nics/overview.rst | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

A next step could be to highlight every implemented features when
pointing a driver, or every drivers implenting a pointed feature.
The latter could be done by this patch:

       table#id1 th:not(:first-child):hover::after,
-      table#id1 td:not(:first-child):hover::after {
+      table#id1 td:not(:first-child):hover::after,
+      table#id1 td:first-child:hover ~ td:not(:empty)::after {
          content: '';
          height: 6000px;
          top: -3000px;

Unfortunately, I cannot make it work, probably because the cells are not
really empty. A javascript function could help to trim the cells.
Any help to implement this next step would be welcome.

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