I'm forwarding this to the announce list so that it reaches a wider audience, because not every has subscribed to the moving list. Anybody interested in membership of the DPDK project when it moves to The Linux Foundation should reply privately to Mike (mdo...@linuxfoundation.org).
Tim > From: moving [mailto:moving-boun...@dpdk.org] On Behalf Of Michael Dolan > Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 4:02 PM > Subject: [dpdk-moving] Your interest in joining the DPDK project > > Hi, can you please reply to me privately with your responses to the following > questions. Please note that I'm sending this request to the entire > mov...@dpdk.org mailing list, so please coordinate a response if there are > multiple people from your company on the list. > > Do you plan to join the DPDK project? If no, you do not have to bother with > the following questions. > > 1) If yes, at which level? Current discussions are a Gold rate of approx. > $50k-100k/yr with an initial 2-year commitment and Silver at a sliding scale > based on company size of roughly $5-25k. > > 2) There has been discussion of Gold membership fees within a range of > $50k-100k. Do you have a request or opinion in terms of the price within that > range (e.g. I can't fund more than $50k for Gold or I think we need a $100k > rate to raise enough funds to do multiple events)? > > 3) Are you interested in funding beyond the currently discussed Gold rate to > host a shared performance infrastructure lab? That cost could be an > additional $100k for example. > > 4) What would be the most important investment of the funds raised for your > company (e.g. events for developers, a performance lab, general marketing)? > > 5) Who is the primary representative/contact we should work with at your > company? > > Thanks, > > Mike > > --- > Mike Dolan > VP of Strategic Programs > The Linux Foundation > Office: +1.330.460.3250 Cell: +1.440.552.5322 Skype: michaelkdolan > mdo...@linuxfoundation.org > ---