On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 09:18:48AM +0000, David Hunt wrote:
> Now sends bursts of up to 8 mbufs to each worker, and tracks
> the in-flight flow-ids (atomic scheduling)
> New file with a new api, similar to the old API except with _burst
> at the end of the function names. This is to preserve the original
> API (and code) for backward compatibility.
> It uses a similar handshake mechanism to the previous version of
> the library, in that bits are used to indicate when packets are ready
> to be sent to a worker and ready to be returned from a worker. One main
> difference is that instead of sending one packet in a cache line, it
> makes use of the 7 free spaces in the same cache line in order to send up to
> 8 packets at a time to/from a worker.
> The flow matching algorithm has had significant re-work, and now keeps
> an array of inflight flows and an array of backlog flows, and matches
> incoming flows to the inflight/backlog flows of all workers so
> that flow pinning to workers can be maintained.
> Signed-off-by: David Hunt <david.h...@intel.com>
> ---

I still see some issues reported here by sanity check scripts.


--- /dev/null   2017-01-10 10:26:01.206201474 +0000
+++ /tmp/doc-check/doc.txt      2017-01-23 12:23:01.748870247 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
warning: argument 'mbuf' of command @param is not found in the argument
list of rte_distributor_return_pkt_burst(struct rte_distributor_burst
*d, unsigned int worker_id, struct rte_mbuf **oldpkt, int num)
warning: The following parameters of
rte_distributor_return_pkt_burst(struct rte_distributor_burst *d,
unsigned int worker_id, struct rte_mbuf **oldpkt, int num) are not
+  parameter 'oldpkt'
+  parameter 'num'
warning: Found unknown command `\in_flight_bitmask'
warning: Found unknown command `\rte_distributor_process'
==== Error with doc check ====
Line too long:
        makes use of the 7 free spaces in the same cache line in order
        to send up to

### lib: distributor performance enhancements

WARNING:COMMIT_LOG_LONG_LINE: Possible unwrapped commit description
(prefer a maximum 75 chars per line)
makes use of the 7 free spaces in the same cache line in order to send
up to

total: 0 errors, 1 warnings, 1131 lines checked

0/1 valid patch

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