On 24/2/2017 2:03 PM, Bruce Richardson wrote:
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 03:17:37AM +0000, David Hunt wrote:
Move files out of the way so that we can replace with new
versions of the distributor libtrary. Files are named in
such a way as to match the symbol versioning that we will
apply for backward ABI compatibility.

Signed-off-by: David Hunt <david.h...@intel.com>
  app/test/test_distributor.c                  |   2 +-
  app/test/test_distributor_perf.c             |   2 +-
  examples/distributor/main.c                  |   2 +-
  lib/librte_distributor/Makefile              |   4 +-
  lib/librte_distributor/rte_distributor.c     | 487 ---------------------------
  lib/librte_distributor/rte_distributor.h     | 247 --------------
  lib/librte_distributor/rte_distributor_v20.c | 487 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  lib/librte_distributor/rte_distributor_v20.h | 247 ++++++++++++++
Rather than changing the unit tests and example applications, I think
this patch would be better with a new rte_distributor.h file which
simply does "#include  <rte_distributor_v20.h>". Alternatively, I
recently upstreamed a patch, which went into 17.02, to allow symlinks in
the folder so you could create a symlink to the renamed file.


Thanks for the review, Bruce. I've just finished reworking the patchset on your review comments (including later emails) and will post soon.


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