2016-10-17 11:52, O'Driscoll, Tim:
> From: Hobywan Kenoby
> > The current DPDK version can run on virtually all processors (Intel, IBM
> > and ARM) and leverage all NICs: is there **really** anyone questionning
> > openness of the community?
> I still hear concerns on this, and based on discussions with others who
> put their names to the post below, they do too.
> I think it's a perception that we need to address.

It is simple to address this perception with fact checking.
The next releases will provide even more code for ARM and NPUs.
If someone submits some good code and is ignored, it is easy enough
to ping the mailing list and make it visible.
If someone sees any regression on his architecture, we care.
Please let's stop maintaining confusion on this topic.

DPDK *is* truly open.

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