Change the Tx routine logic to ring the doorbell once per burst and not
on every Tx packet. This driver-level optimization is necessary to achieve
line rates for larger frame sizes (1k or more).

Fixes: 540a211084a7 ("bnx2x: driver core")

Signed-off-by: Rasesh Mody <rasesh.mody at>
Signed-off-by: Harish Patil <harish.patil at>
 drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.c      |  207 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.h      |    4 +-
 drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_rxtx.c |   45 ++++-----
 3 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.c b/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.c
index 6edb2f9..149fdef 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.c
@@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ bnx2x_free_tx_pkt(__rte_unused struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, 
struct bnx2x_tx_queue
        struct rte_mbuf *tx_mbuf = txq->sw_ring[TX_BD(pkt_idx, txq)];

        if (likely(tx_mbuf != NULL)) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(tx_mbuf);
+               rte_pktmbuf_free_seg(tx_mbuf);
        } else {
                PMD_RX_LOG(ERR, "fp[%02d] lost mbuf %lu",
                           fp->index, (unsigned long)TX_BD(pkt_idx, txq));
@@ -2113,147 +2113,128 @@ bnx2x_nic_unload(struct bnx2x_softc *sc, uint32_t 
unload_mode, uint8_t keep_link
  * the mbuf and return to the caller.
  * Returns:
- *   0 = Success, !0 = Failure
+ *   Number of TX BDs used for the mbuf
  *   Note the side effect that an mbuf may be freed if it causes a problem.
-int bnx2x_tx_encap(struct bnx2x_tx_queue *txq, struct rte_mbuf **m_head, int 
+bnx2x_tx_encap(struct bnx2x_tx_queue *txq, struct rte_mbuf *m0)
-       struct rte_mbuf *m0;
        struct eth_tx_start_bd *tx_start_bd;
        uint16_t bd_prod, pkt_prod;
-       int m_tx;
        struct bnx2x_softc *sc;
        uint32_t nbds = 0;
-       struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp;

        sc = txq->sc;
-       fp = &sc->fp[txq->queue_id];

        bd_prod = txq->tx_bd_tail;
        pkt_prod = txq->tx_pkt_tail;

-       for (m_tx = 0; m_tx < m_pkts; m_tx++) {
+       txq->sw_ring[TX_BD(pkt_prod, txq)] = m0;

-               m0 = *m_head++;
+       tx_start_bd = &txq->tx_ring[TX_BD(bd_prod, txq)].start_bd;

-               if (unlikely(txq->nb_tx_avail < 3)) {
-                       PMD_TX_LOG(ERR, "no enough bds %d/%d",
-                                  bd_prod, txq->nb_tx_avail);
-                       return -ENOMEM;
-               }
+       tx_start_bd->addr =
+           rte_cpu_to_le_64(rte_mbuf_data_dma_addr(m0));
+       tx_start_bd->nbytes = rte_cpu_to_le_16(m0->data_len);
+       tx_start_bd->bd_flags.as_bitfield = ETH_TX_BD_FLAGS_START_BD;
+       tx_start_bd->general_data =
+           (1 << ETH_TX_START_BD_HDR_NBDS_SHIFT);

-               txq->sw_ring[TX_BD(pkt_prod, txq)] = m0;
+       tx_start_bd->nbd = rte_cpu_to_le_16(2);

-               tx_start_bd = &txq->tx_ring[TX_BD(bd_prod, txq)].start_bd;
-               tx_start_bd->addr =
-                   rte_cpu_to_le_64(rte_mbuf_data_dma_addr(m0));
-               tx_start_bd->nbytes = rte_cpu_to_le_16(m0->data_len);
-               tx_start_bd->bd_flags.as_bitfield = ETH_TX_BD_FLAGS_START_BD;
-               tx_start_bd->general_data =
-                   (1 << ETH_TX_START_BD_HDR_NBDS_SHIFT);
-               tx_start_bd->nbd = rte_cpu_to_le_16(2);
+       if (m0->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
+               tx_start_bd->vlan_or_ethertype =
+                   rte_cpu_to_le_16(m0->vlan_tci);
+               tx_start_bd->bd_flags.as_bitfield |=
+                   (X_ETH_OUTBAND_VLAN <<
+                    ETH_TX_BD_FLAGS_VLAN_MODE_SHIFT);
+       } else {
+               if (IS_PF(sc))
+                       tx_start_bd->vlan_or_ethertype =
+                           rte_cpu_to_le_16(pkt_prod);
+               else {
+                       struct ether_hdr *eh =
+                               rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m0, struct ether_hdr *);

-               if (m0->ol_flags & PKT_TX_VLAN_PKT) {
                        tx_start_bd->vlan_or_ethertype =
-                           rte_cpu_to_le_16(m0->vlan_tci);
-                       tx_start_bd->bd_flags.as_bitfield |=
-                           (X_ETH_OUTBAND_VLAN <<
-                            ETH_TX_BD_FLAGS_VLAN_MODE_SHIFT);
-               } else {
-                       if (IS_PF(sc))
-                               tx_start_bd->vlan_or_ethertype =
-                                   rte_cpu_to_le_16(pkt_prod);
-                       else {
-                               struct ether_hdr *eh
-                                   = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m0, struct ether_hdr *);
-                               tx_start_bd->vlan_or_ethertype
-                                   = 
-                       }
+                            rte_cpu_to_le_16(rte_be_to_cpu_16(eh->ether_type));
+       }

-               bd_prod = NEXT_TX_BD(bd_prod);
-               if (IS_VF(sc)) {
-                       struct eth_tx_parse_bd_e2 *tx_parse_bd;
-                       const struct ether_hdr *eh = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m0, 
struct ether_hdr *);
-                       uint8_t mac_type = UNICAST_ADDRESS;
-                       tx_parse_bd =
-                           &txq->tx_ring[TX_BD(bd_prod, txq)].parse_bd_e2;
-                       if (is_multicast_ether_addr(&eh->d_addr)) {
-                               if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(&eh->d_addr))
-                                       mac_type = BROADCAST_ADDRESS;
-                               else
-                                       mac_type = MULTICAST_ADDRESS;
-                       }
-                       tx_parse_bd->parsing_data =
-                           (mac_type << 
-                       rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_hi,
-                                  &eh->d_addr.addr_bytes[0], 2);
-                       rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_mid,
-                                  &eh->d_addr.addr_bytes[2], 2);
-                       rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_lo,
-                                  &eh->d_addr.addr_bytes[4], 2);
-                       rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_hi,
-                                  &eh->s_addr.addr_bytes[0], 2);
-                       rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_mid,
-                                  &eh->s_addr.addr_bytes[2], 2);
-                       rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_lo,
-                                  &eh->s_addr.addr_bytes[4], 2);
-                       tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_hi =
-                           rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_hi);
-                       tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_mid =
-                           rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.
-                                            mac_addr.dst_mid);
-                       tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_lo =
-                           rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_lo);
-                       tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_hi =
-                           rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_hi);
-                       tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_mid =
-                           rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.
-                                            mac_addr.src_mid);
-                       tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_lo =
-                           rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_lo);
-                       PMD_TX_LOG(DEBUG,
-                                  "PBD dst %x %x %x src %x %x %x p_data %x",
-                                  tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_hi,
-                                  tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_mid,
-                                  tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_lo,
-                                  tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_hi,
-                                  tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_mid,
-                                  tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_lo,
-                                  tx_parse_bd->parsing_data);
-               }
+       bd_prod = NEXT_TX_BD(bd_prod);
+       if (IS_VF(sc)) {
+               struct eth_tx_parse_bd_e2 *tx_parse_bd;
+               const struct ether_hdr *eh =
+                               rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m0, struct ether_hdr *);
+               uint8_t mac_type = UNICAST_ADDRESS;
+               tx_parse_bd =
+                       &txq->tx_ring[TX_BD(bd_prod, txq)].parse_bd_e2;
+               if (is_multicast_ether_addr(&eh->d_addr)) {
+                       if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(&eh->d_addr))
+                               mac_type = BROADCAST_ADDRESS;
+                       else
+                               mac_type = MULTICAST_ADDRESS;
+               }
+               tx_parse_bd->parsing_data =
+                          (mac_type << ETH_TX_PARSE_BD_E2_ETH_ADDR_TYPE_SHIFT);
+               rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_hi,
+                          &eh->d_addr.addr_bytes[0], 2);
+               rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_mid,
+                          &eh->d_addr.addr_bytes[2], 2);
+               rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_lo,
+                          &eh->d_addr.addr_bytes[4], 2);
+               rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_hi,
+                          &eh->s_addr.addr_bytes[0], 2);
+               rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_mid,
+                          &eh->s_addr.addr_bytes[2], 2);
+               rte_memcpy(&tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_lo,
+                          &eh->s_addr.addr_bytes[4], 2);
+               tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_hi =
+                   rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_hi);
+               tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_mid =
+                   rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.
+                                    mac_addr.dst_mid);
+               tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_lo =
+                   rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_lo);
+               tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_hi =
+                   rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_hi);
+               tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_mid =
+                   rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.
+                                    mac_addr.src_mid);
+               tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_lo =
+                   rte_cpu_to_be_16(tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_lo);

-                          "start bd: nbytes %d flags %x vlan %x\n",
-                          tx_start_bd->nbytes,
-                          tx_start_bd->bd_flags.as_bitfield,
-                          tx_start_bd->vlan_or_ethertype);
+                          "PBD dst %x %x %x src %x %x %x p_data %x",
+                          tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_hi,
+                          tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_mid,
+                          tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.dst_lo,
+                          tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_hi,
+                          tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_mid,
+                          tx_parse_bd->data.mac_addr.src_lo,
+                          tx_parse_bd->parsing_data);
+       }

-               bd_prod = NEXT_TX_BD(bd_prod);
-               pkt_prod++;
+                  "start bd: nbytes %d flags %x vlan %x\n",
+                  tx_start_bd->nbytes,
+                  tx_start_bd->bd_flags.as_bitfield,
+                  tx_start_bd->vlan_or_ethertype);

-               if (TX_IDX(bd_prod) < 2) {
-                       nbds++;
-               }
-       }
+       bd_prod = NEXT_TX_BD(bd_prod);
+       pkt_prod++;
+       if (TX_IDX(bd_prod) < 2)
+               nbds++;

-       txq->nb_tx_avail -= m_pkts << 1;
+       txq->nb_tx_avail -= 1 << 1;
        txq->tx_bd_tail = bd_prod;
        txq->tx_pkt_tail = pkt_prod;

-       mb();
-       fp-> += (m_pkts << 1) + nbds;
-       DOORBELL(sc, txq->queue_id, fp->tx_db.raw);
-       mb();
-       return 0;
+       return nbds + 2;

 static uint16_t bnx2x_cid_ilt_lines(struct bnx2x_softc *sc)
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.h b/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.h
index 135a6eb..b3a3866 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.h
+++ b/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x.h
@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ struct bnx2x_device_type {
 #define TX_PAGE(x)              (((x) & ~USABLE_TX_BD_PER_PAGE) >> 8)
 #define TX_IDX(x)               ((x) & USABLE_TX_BD_PER_PAGE)

+#define BDS_PER_TX_PKT         (3)
  * Trigger pending transmits when the number of available BDs is greater
  * than 1/8 of the total number of usable BDs.
@@ -1864,7 +1866,7 @@ int bnx2x_alloc_hsi_mem(struct bnx2x_softc *sc);
 int bnx2x_alloc_ilt_mem(struct bnx2x_softc *sc);
 void bnx2x_free_ilt_mem(struct bnx2x_softc *sc);
 void bnx2x_dump_tx_chain(struct bnx2x_fastpath * fp, int bd_prod, int count);
-int bnx2x_tx_encap(struct bnx2x_tx_queue *txq, struct rte_mbuf **m_head, int 
+uint32_t bnx2x_tx_encap(struct bnx2x_tx_queue *txq, struct rte_mbuf *m0);
 uint8_t bnx2x_txeof(struct bnx2x_softc *sc, struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp);
 void bnx2x_print_adapter_info(struct bnx2x_softc *sc);
 int bnx2x_intr_legacy(struct bnx2x_softc *sc, int scan_fp);
diff --git a/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_rxtx.c b/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_rxtx.c
index 752a5e8..8b047d4 100644
--- a/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_rxtx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/bnx2x/bnx2x_rxtx.c
@@ -222,40 +222,37 @@ bnx2x_xmit_pkts(void *p_txq, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts, 
uint16_t nb_pkts)
        struct bnx2x_tx_queue *txq;
        struct bnx2x_softc *sc;
        struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp;
-       uint32_t burst, nb_tx;
-       struct rte_mbuf **m = tx_pkts;
-       int ret;
+       uint32_t ret;
+       uint16_t nb_tx_pkts;
+       uint16_t nb_pkt_sent = 0;

        txq = p_txq;
        sc = txq->sc;
        fp = &sc->fp[txq->queue_id];

-       nb_tx = nb_pkts;
+       if ((unlikely((txq->nb_tx_desc - txq->nb_tx_avail) >
+                                       txq->tx_free_thresh)))
+               bnx2x_txeof(sc, fp);

-       do {
-               burst = RTE_MIN(nb_pkts, RTE_PMD_BNX2X_TX_MAX_BURST);
+       nb_tx_pkts = RTE_MIN(nb_pkts, txq->nb_tx_avail / BDS_PER_TX_PKT);

-               ret = bnx2x_tx_encap(txq, m, burst);
-               if (unlikely(ret)) {
-                       PMD_TX_LOG(ERR, "tx_encap failed!");
-               }
-               bnx2x_update_fp_sb_idx(fp);
-               if ((txq->nb_tx_desc - txq->nb_tx_avail) > txq->tx_free_thresh) 
-                       bnx2x_txeof(sc, fp);
-               }
-               if (unlikely(ret == -ENOMEM)) {
-                       break;
-               }
+       if (unlikely(nb_tx_pkts == 0))
+               return 0;

-               m += burst;
-               nb_pkts -= burst;
+       while (nb_tx_pkts--) {
+               struct rte_mbuf *m = *tx_pkts++;
+               assert(m != NULL);
+               ret = bnx2x_tx_encap(txq, m);
+               fp-> += ret;
+               nb_pkt_sent++;
+       }

-       } while (nb_pkts);
+       bnx2x_update_fp_sb_idx(fp);
+       mb();
+       DOORBELL(sc, txq->queue_id, fp->tx_db.raw);
+       mb();

-       return nb_tx - nb_pkts;
+       return nb_pkt_sent;


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