On 3/4/2016 10:10 AM, Yuanhan Liu wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 05:19:42PM +0000, Xie, Huawei wrote:
>> On 2/18/2016 9:48 PM, Yuanhan Liu wrote:
>>> [...]
>> CCed changchun, the author for the chained handling of desc and mbuf.
>> The change makes the code more readable, but i think the following
>> commit message is simple and enough.
> Hmm.., my commit log tells a full story:
> - What is the issue? (messy/logic twisted code)
> - What the code does? (And what are the challenges: few tricky places)
> - What's the proposed solution to fix it. (the below pseudo code)
> And you suggest me to get rid of the first 2 items and leave 3rd item
> (a solution) only?

The following are simple and enough with just one additional statement
for the repeated mbuf allocation or your twisted. Other commit messages
are overly duplicated. Just my personal opinion. Up to you.

To this special case, for example, we could make both mbuf and
vring_desc chains into iovec, then use commonly used iovec copy
algorithms for both dequeue and enqueue, which further makes the code
much simpler and more readable. For this change, one or two sentences
are clear to me.

>       --yliu
>>>     while (this_desc_is_not_drained_totally || has_next_desc) {
>>>             if (this_desc_has_drained_totally) {
>>>                     this_desc = next_desc();
>>>             }
>>>             if (mbuf_has_no_room) {
>>>                     mbuf = allocate_a_new_mbuf();
>>>             }
>>>             COPY(mbuf, desc);
>>>     }
>>> [...]
>>> This refactor makes the code much more readable (IMO), yet it reduces
>>> binary code size (nearly 2K).
>> I guess the reduced binary code size comes from reduced inline calls to
>> mbuf allocation.

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