2016-06-14 16:48, David Hunt:
> +Several external mempool managers may be used in the same application. A new
> +mempool can be created by using the ``rte_mempool_create_empty()`` function,
> +then using ``rte_mempool_set_ops_byname()`` to point the mempool to the
> +relevant mempool manager callbacki (ops) structure.

vim typo: callbacki

> +/**
> + * Register mempool operations.
> + *
> + * @param h
> + *   Pointer to and ops structure to register.

Same error as in v10.

> + * @return
> + *   - >=0: Success; return the index of the ops struct in the table.
> + *   - -EINVAL - some missing callbacks while registering ops struct.
> + *   - -ENOSPC - the maximum number of ops structs has been reached.
> + */
> +int rte_mempool_ops_register(const struct rte_mempool_ops *ops);

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