2016-05-18 10:30, Remy Horton:

The explanations are missing.
Probably you should split this patch.

> Signed-off-by: Remy Horton <remy.horton at intel.com>
> +enum rte_keepalive_state {
> +     UNUSED = 0,
> +     ALIVE = 1,
> +     MISSING = 4,
> +     DEAD = 2,
> +     GONE = 3,
> +     DOZING = 5,
> +     SLEEP = 6
> +};

Please use RTE_ prefix.

>  /**
> + * Keepalive relay callback.
> + *
> + *  Receives a data pointer passed to rte_keepalive_register_relay_callback()
> + *  and the id of the core for which state is to be forwarded.
> + */

Please document each parameter.

> +typedef void (*rte_keepalive_relay_callback_t)(
> +     void *data,
> +     const int id_core,
> +     enum rte_keepalive_state core_state,
> +     uint64_t last_seen
> +     );

> +/**
> + * Per-core sleep-time indication.
> + * @param *keepcfg
> + *   Keepalive structure pointer
> + *
> + * This function needs to be called from within the main process loop of
> + * the LCore going to sleep.

Why? Please add more comments.

> + */

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